Bank Reconciliation =================== * This chapter explains how to generate Bank Reconciliation statement. * On clicking ``Mater menu`` >> ``Bank Reconciliation``, user gets a alert dialog which asks for an account name, period and other options required to display bank reconciliation statement. * Click on ``View`` button will take user to the next page which contains Bank Reconciliation statement with ``cleared/uncleared`` transactions in a ``tabular format``. * Layout is included in ``res/layout/bank_recon_index.xml``. **File res/layout/bank_recon_table.xml** * This layout contains a ``tablelayout`` with vertical and horizontal scroll. * ``account name`` and ``period`` at the top of the screen. * ``Save`` button located on the ``title bar``, at the left side of the ``scroll`` up/down button which is aligned at the extreme right side of the title bar. .. code-block:: xml .. image:: images/bank_reconciliation.png :name: ABT main page :align: center * and the associated java code is given below, **File src/com/example/gkaakash/** * Get values of all the required ``static variables`` from to the activity ````. * Send a ``request`` to the back-end server through controller functions and get the ``response``. * Response will be the list containing Bank Reconciliation statement with cleared/uncleared transactions. * Transaction list is displayed in a tabular formate using TableLayout. * Set selected account name, period, transactions, reconcilation statement and cleared transaction dates programatically. * The activity contains the essential and required import like .. code-block:: java package com.example.gkaakash; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.text.BreakIterator; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import com.gkaakash.controller.Report; import com.gkaakash.controller.Startup; import android.R.integer; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.DialogInterface; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.text.SpannableString; import android.text.InputFilter.LengthFilter; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.Window; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.CheckBox; import android.widget.DatePicker; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.ScrollView; import android.widget.TableLayout; import android.widget.TableRow; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; * The activity intializes all the essential parameters and variables. * OnCreate method calls all required methods at load time. .. code-block:: java public class bankReconciliation extends Activity{ TableLayout bankRecontable, statementtable; TableRow tr, tr1; LinearLayout Ll, Ll1; TextView label,label1,tvaccontName,tvfinancialFromDate,tvfinancialToDate; ArrayList bankReconGrid, for_naration, statementGrid; static Object[] bankReconResult; static Integer client_id; private Report report; ArrayList bankReconResultList, with_narration; private ArrayList accountlist, for_clearenceDate; static boolean narration_flag; static boolean cleared_tran_flag; static String[] ColumnNameList; static int day, month, year, sel_day, sel_month, sel_year; static final int VOUCHER_DATE_DIALOG_ID = 1; TextView tvdate; static String date, financialFromDate, financialToDate, accountName, fromDate, toDate; DecimalFormat mFormat; static int rowid; boolean nara_flag=false; AlertDialog dialog; LinearLayout.LayoutParams params, params1; String clearence_date; String retrived_date; String Cdate; String result; String[] dateParts; Boolean updown=false; public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE); setContentView(R.layout.bank_recon_table); report = new Report(); client_id= Startup.getClient_id(); //customizing title bar getWindow().setFeatureInt(Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE,R.layout.bank_recon_title); //two digit date format for dd and mm mFormat= new DecimalFormat("00"); mFormat.setRoundingMode(RoundingMode.DOWN); try { financialFromDate =Startup.getfinancialFromDate(); String dateParts[] = financialFromDate.split("-"); String fromday = dateParts[0]; String frommonth = dateParts[1]; String fromyear = dateParts[2]; year = Integer.parseInt(fromyear); month = Integer.parseInt(frommonth); day = Integer.parseInt(fromday); financialToDate=Startup.getFinancialToDate(); accountName = menu.selectedAccount; fromDate = menu.givenfromDateString; toDate = menu.givenToDateString; cleared_tran_flag = menu.cleared_tran_flag; narration_flag = menu.narration_flag; tvaccontName = (TextView) findViewById( ); tvfinancialFromDate = (TextView) findViewById( ); tvfinancialToDate = (TextView) findViewById( ); tvaccontName.setText("Account name: "+accountName); tvfinancialToDate.setText("Period : "+fromDate+" to "+toDate); Object[] params = new Object[]{accountName,financialFromDate,fromDate,toDate,"No Project"}; Object[] flag = new Object[]{cleared_tran_flag}; setTableAndStatement(params,flag); setbankRecon(); final Button btnSaveRecon = (Button)findViewById(; btnSaveRecon.setVisibility(Button.VISIBLE); final Button btnScrollDown = (Button)findViewById(; // to scroll the table up/down... btnScrollDown.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if(updown==false){ ScrollView sv = (ScrollView)findViewById(; sv.fullScroll(ScrollView.FOCUS_DOWN); btnScrollDown.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.up); updown=true; }else { ScrollView sv = (ScrollView)findViewById(; sv.fullScroll(ScrollView.FOCUS_UP); btnScrollDown.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.down); updown=false; } } }); } catch (Exception e) { toastValidationMessage("Please try again"); } } * get all the cleared and uncleared transactions from database for the given account, from date and to date along with bank reconciliation statement. * add header and transaction rows in the first table and bank reconciliation statement in the second table. .. code-block:: java private void setTableAndStatement(Object[] params, Object[] flag) { bankReconResult = (Object[]) report.getLedgerForBankRecon(params,flag, client_id); bankReconGrid = new ArrayList(); for_naration = new ArrayList(); for_clearenceDate = new ArrayList(); /* * bankReconResult.length-6 is for getting only uncleared transactions with * total debit and total credit and set in table * because last 6 rows are bank recon statement, * we are not adding these rows in table for now */ for(int k = 0; k < (bankReconResult.length-6); k++) { Object[] t = (Object[]) bankReconResult[k]; bankReconResultList = new ArrayList(); with_narration = new ArrayList(); for(int i=0;i<(t.length);i++) { if(i == 6){//narration if(narration_flag){ //bankReconResultList.add((String) t[i].toString()); with_narration.add((String) t[i].toString()); nara_flag = true; } } else{ //bankReconResultList.add((String) t[i].toString()); bankReconResultList.add((String) t[i].toString()); with_narration.add((String) t[i].toString()); } } bankReconGrid.add(bankReconResultList); for_naration.add(with_narration); } if(cleared_tran_flag==true){ for(int i=0;i(); for(int k = (bankReconResult.length-6); k < (bankReconResult.length); k++) { Object[] t = (Object[]) bankReconResult[k]; bankReconResultList = new ArrayList(); for(int i=0;i<(t.length);i++) { bankReconResultList.add((String) t[i].toString()); } statementGrid.add(bankReconResultList); } statementtable = (TableLayout)findViewById(; statementtable.removeAllViews(); addTable(statementtable, "statement"); } * User can ``reconcile`` transactions ie. to set a clearance date and unclear the cleared transactions. * To save the changes in database, we have added OnClickListener for ``Save`` button. * Below method will read table rows, transactions with clearance date will be stored in a list and transactions without clearance date will be stored in another list. * then send these lists to the backend and update the table. .. code-block:: java private void setbankRecon() { Button btnSetBankRecon = (Button)findViewById(; btnSetBankRecon.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { int rowcount = bankRecontable.getChildCount(); ArrayList listOfRowsTobeClear= new ArrayList(); boolean flag = false; for(int i=0;i rowArray = new ArrayList(); /* * get the clear tranction rows from table * and pass these rows to backend (set bank reconciliation) */ if(!tvclearanceDate.getText().toString().equals("")){ flag = true; rowArray.clear(); LinearLayout lv = (LinearLayout)((ViewGroup) row).getChildAt(0); TextView tvVoucherCode = (TextView) lv.getChildAt(0); //voucher code LinearLayout l = (LinearLayout)((ViewGroup) row).getChildAt(1); TextView tvrefdate = (TextView) l.getChildAt(0); //ref date LinearLayout l1 = (LinearLayout)((ViewGroup) row).getChildAt(2); TextView tvparticular = (TextView) l1.getChildAt(0); //particular LinearLayout lr = (LinearLayout)((ViewGroup) row).getChildAt(3); TextView tvrefno = (TextView) lr.getChildAt(0); //ref no LinearLayout l3 = (LinearLayout)((ViewGroup) row).getChildAt(4); TextView tvdramount = (TextView) l3.getChildAt(0); //dr amount LinearLayout l4 = (LinearLayout)((ViewGroup) row).getChildAt(5); TextView tvcramount = (TextView) l4.getChildAt(0); //cr amount EditText etmemo= (EditText)((ViewGroup) row).getChildAt(7); //memo rowArray.add(tvVoucherCode.getText().toString()); rowArray.add(tvrefdate.getText().toString()); rowArray.add(tvparticular.getText().toString()); //check for the dr and cr amount if(tvdramount.getText().toString().length() > 0){ rowArray.add(tvdramount.getText().toString()); rowArray.add(tvcramount.getText().toString()); } else{ rowArray.add(tvcramount.getText().toString()); rowArray.add(tvdramount.getText().toString()); } rowArray.add(tvclearanceDate.getText().toString()); rowArray.add(etmemo.getText().toString()); /* System.out.println("i am row "+ i+ tvrefdate.getText().toString() +tvparticular.getText().toString() +tvdramount.getText().toString() +tvcramount.getText().toString() +tvclearanceDate.getText().toString() +etmemo.getText().toString()); */ } /* * unclear the cleared transaction(delete cleared rows) */ if(tvclearanceDate.getText().toString().equals(" ")){ flag = false; rowArray.clear(); LinearLayout l1 = (LinearLayout)((ViewGroup) row).getChildAt(2); TextView tvparticular = (TextView) l1.getChildAt(0); //particular LinearLayout lv = (LinearLayout)((ViewGroup) row).getChildAt(0); TextView tvVoucherCode = (TextView) lv.getChildAt(0);//voucher code rowArray.add(tvparticular.getText().toString()); rowArray.add(tvVoucherCode.getText().toString()); rowArray.add(toDate); if(rowArray.size() >0){ report.deleteClearedRecon(rowArray, client_id); } } /* * add all cleared rows to the new Array * flag=true for set bank recon * flag=false for unclear transaction */ if(rowArray.size()!=0 && flag == true){ listOfRowsTobeClear.add(rowArray); } }//end of if }//end of for /* * pass array of rows to be cleared to the controller */ if(listOfRowsTobeClear.size() >0){ report.setBankReconciliation(listOfRowsTobeClear, client_id); } bankRecontable.removeAllViews(); /* * update table */ Object[] params = new Object[]{accountName,financialFromDate,fromDate,toDate,"No Project"}; Object[] clear_flag = new Object[]{cleared_tran_flag}; setTableAndStatement(params,clear_flag); toastValidationMessage("Changes saved successfully"); }//end of onclick }); }//end of function setbankrecon * add header and transaction rows in the first table and bank reconciliation statemnt in the second table. .. code-block:: java private void addTable(TableLayout tableID, String flag) { //System.out.println("reco grid"+bankReconGrid); //for adding only header and transaction rows if(!flag.equalsIgnoreCase("statement")){ if(bankReconGrid.size() > 1){ addHeader(); } /** Create a TableRow dynamically **/ for(int i=0;i columnValue = new ArrayList(); tr = new TableRow(this); //for last row(total debit and total credit) if(i==bankReconGrid.size()-1){ if(bankReconGrid.size() > 1){ columnValue.addAll(bankReconGrid.get(i)); for(int k=0;k 0){ label.setText(columnValue.get(j)); } label.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER|Gravity.RIGHT); } else { label.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); } } else{ addRow(columnValue.get(j),i,j,1); Ll.setVisibility(LinearLayout.GONE);//voucher code } } if(!cleared_tran_flag){ if(narration_flag==false){ addRow("",i,6,1); //date //memo EditText e = new EditText(this); tr.addView(e); } else { addRow("",i,6,1); //date //memo EditText e = new EditText(this); tr.addView(e); addRow(for_naration.get(i).get(6).toString(),i,8,1); //naration } } else{ /* * if transaction is clear set clearance date and memo into the textview */ addRow(bankReconGrid.get(i).get(6).toString(),i,6,1); //date //memo EditText e = new EditText(this); e.setText(bankReconGrid.get(i).get(7).toString()); tr.addView(e); if(narration_flag==true){ addRow(for_naration.get(i).get(6).toString(),i,8,1); //naration } } // Add the TableRow to the TableLayout tableID.addView(tr, new TableLayout.LayoutParams( LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)); } } } else{ //add reconciliation statement for(int i=0;i columnValue = new ArrayList(); columnValue.clear(); columnValue.addAll(statementGrid.get(i)); tr1 = new TableRow(this); for(int j=0;j