Chapter 7: Programming ExercisesΒΆ

1. Write a program that performs the following.  The user
   inputs a number and then enters a series of numbers
   from 1 to that number.  Your program should determine
   which number (or numbers) is missing or duplicated in
   the series, if any.  For example, if the user entered
    **5** as the initial number and then entered the
   following sequences, the results should be as shown.

   Input Sequence          Output
   ----------------------  ---------------
   1 2 3 4 5               Nothing bad

   However, if  **7** were the high number, the user
   would see the results on the right for the following
   number entries:

   Input Sequence          Output
   ----------------------  ---------------
   1 3 2 4 5               Missing 6
                           Missing 7

   And if  **10** were the high number and the user
   entered the numbers  shown on the left, note the list
   of missing and duplicate numbers:

   Input Sequence          Output
   ----------------------  ---------------
   1 2 4 7 4 4 5 10 8 2 6  Duplicate 2 ( 2 times)
                           Missing 3
                           Duplicate 4 ( 3 times )
                           Missing 9

   The program should check the high number that the user
   inputs to ensure that it does not exceed the size of
   any array you might be using for storage.

2. Write a program that accepts as input a date in the
   format MM-DD-YYYY, i.e. 11-30-1995.  The program is to
   have a function to determine if the given year is a
   leap year or not a leap year.  To determine a leap year
   use the following:

   if( year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0)
       i = true;
   else i = false;

   The program must convert the given date into a julian
   date which has the format YYYYDDD, where YYYY is the
   year of the century and DDD is the day of the year.
   The julian date must be displayed for the date input.

   In addition, write a function converts the date input
   into a date string of the form (using 11-30-1995):

        November 11, 1995

   The program must keep prompting for dates until a date
   of 00-00-0000 is input.

3. Write a program that prompts for the input of social
   security numbers upto a maximum of 10.  Store the
   social security numbers in a two dimensional array of
   characters.  Ask if the array of social security
   numbers is to be sorted in ascending or descending
   order, then call a bubble sort function that you write
   to sort the array.  The program should print the
   unsorted list first, sort the list, then print the
   sorted list. The bubble sort algorithm is as follows:

   A.  Start with the first two array elements.
   B.  Compare the elements and exchange them if the
       compare function indicates they should be swapped.
   C.  Bump up one element and repeat step B.
   D.  Continue until the end of the array is reached.
   E.  Repeat steps B -> D decreasing the upperlimit on
       the array by one for each iteration of the loop.
       In other words, stop one element short of the
       previous iteration in the main loop.
   F.  End the sort if:
       1.   No exchanges occur during an iteration or
       2.   The upper limit for the loop reaches one.

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Chapter 7 Arrays

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Chapter 7: Programming Projects

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