BPLATFORM ========= Balls under a platform viewer Block Screenshot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contents ~~~~~~~~ + `Balls under a platform viewer`_ + + `Palette`_ + `Dialog box`_ + `Default properties`_ + `Interfacing function`_ Palette ~~~~~~~ + `Demonstrations blocks palette`_ Dialog box ~~~~~~~~~~ Default properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + **always active:** no + **direct-feedthrough:** no + **zero-crossing:** no + **mode:** no + **regular inputs:** **- port 1 : size [1,1] / type 1** **- port 2 : size [1,1] / type 1** + **number/sizes of activation inputs:** 1 + **number/sizes of activation outputs:** 0 + **continuous-time state:** no + **discrete-time state:** yes + **object discrete-time state:** no + **name of computational function:** bplatform2 Interfacing function ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + SCI/modules/scicos_blocks/macros/Misc/BPLATFORM.sci .. _Dialog box: BPLATFORM.html#Dialogbox_BPLATFORM .. _Demonstrations blocks palette: Demonstrationsblocks_pal.html .. _Default properties: BPLATFORM.html#Defaultproperties_BPLATFORM .. _Balls under a platform viewer: BPLATFORM.html .. _Interfacing function: BPLATFORM.html#Interfacingfunction_BPLATFORM .. _Palette: BPLATFORM.html#Palette_BPLATFORM