CLSS ==== Continuous state-space system Block Screenshot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contents ~~~~~~~~ + `Continuous state-space system`_ + + `Palette`_ + `Description`_ + `Dialog box`_ + `Default properties`_ + `Interfacing function`_ + `Computational function`_ + `Example`_ Palette ~~~~~~~ + `Continuous time systems palette`_ Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ This block realizes a continuous-time linear state-space system. where **x** is the vector of state variables, **u** is the vector of input functions and **y** is the vector of output variables. The system is defined by the **(A, B, C, D)** matrices and the initial state **X0**. The dimensions must be compatible. Dialog box ~~~~~~~~~~ + **A matrix** A square matrix. Properties : Type 'mat' of size [-1,-1]. + **B matrix** The **B** matrix, [] if system has no input. Properties : Type 'mat' of size ["size(%1,2)","-1"]. + **C matrix** The **C** matrix , [] if system has no output. Properties : Type 'mat' of size ["-1","size(%1,2)"]. + **D matrix** The **D** matrix, [] if system has no D term. Properties : Type 'mat' of size [-1,-1]. + **Initial state** A vector/scalar initial state of the system. Properties : Type 'vec' of size "size(%1,2)". Default properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + **always active:** yes + **direct-feedthrough:** no + **zero-crossing:** no + **mode:** no + **regular inputs:** **- port 1 : size [1,1] / type 1** + **regular outputs:** **- port 1 : size [1,1] / type 1** + **number/sizes of activation inputs:** 0 + **number/sizes of activation outputs:** 0 + **continuous-time state:** yes + **discrete-time state:** no + **object discrete-time state:** no + **name of computational function:** csslti4 Example ~~~~~~~ This sample example illustrates how to use CLSS block to simulate and display the output waveform **y(t)=Vc(t)** of the RLC circuit shown below. The equations for an RLC circuit are the following. They result from Kirchhoff's voltage law and Newton's law. The R, L and C are the system's resistance, inductance and capacitor. We define the capacitor voltage `Vc` and the inductance current `iL` as the state variables `X1` and `X2.` thus Rearranging these equations we get: These equations can be put into matrix form as follows, The required output equation is The following diagram shows these equations modeled in Xcos where R=10Ω, L=5 mΗ and C=0.1µF; the initial states are x1=0 and x2=0.5. To obtain the output Vc(t) we use CLSS block from Continuous time systems Palette. ` `_ Interfacing function ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + SCI/modules/scicos_blocks/macros/Linear/CLSS.sci Computational function ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + SCI/modules/scicos_blocks/src/c/csslti4.c (Type 4) .. _Example: CLSS.html#Example_CLSS .. _Continuous state-space system: CLSS.html .. _Dialog box: CLSS.html#Dialogbox_CLSS .. _Description: CLSS.html#Description_CLSS .. _Palette: CLSS.html#Palette_CLSS .. _Computational function: CLSS.html#Computationalfunction_CLSS .. _Default properties: CLSS.html#Defaultproperties_CLSS .. _Continuous time systems palette: Continuous_pal.html .. _Interfacing function: CLSS.html#Interfacingfunction_CLSS