GlobalProperty ============== to customize the objects appearance (curves, surfaces...) in a plot or surf command. Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ The GlobalProperty is an optional argument that can be used inside a `plot`_ or `surf`_ command. It allows a global customization of all the new plotted lines (respectivly surfaces). It has to be given as a couple {PropertyName, PropertyValue}. Several couples can be set at the same time in a plot or surf call. PropertyName must be a string defining the property to set.The PropertyValue can be a real, integer or string (scalar or matrix) depending on the type of property used. For example, to specify a red (color) longdash-dot (line style) with diamond marker (marker), the sequence should be : 'Colo','red','LineSt','-.','Marker','diam'. As you can see, a full complete spelling of each property name and value is not required but those arguments, specified in any order, must remain unambiguous. Furthermore, the string specification is not case sensitive. GlobalProperty is predominant on all LineSpec previously stated. Here is a complete list of the `PropertyName` you can specify (using `plot`_ or `surf`_) and their available associated `PropertyValue`. If not specified, those properties are available for both `Polyline` and `Fac3d` objects (created respectivly by plot or surf) and, as previously said, they are applied to the new created objects (lines or surfaces). Sometimes, you may have two PropertyName corresponding to one property : the first one is the equivalent default Matlab name, the second is the default name used by Scilab (i.e.: `Color or Foreground` for a line, see below). :CData or ColorData: a real matrix specifiying the color at every points defined by `Z` matrix. This property is linked to the object's `data.color` property (see `surface_properties`_). Note that this property is available for surfaces only. : :CDataMapping or ColorDataMapping: a string with value `'scaled'` or `'direct'`. If a `data.color` is set, each index color data specifies a single value for each vertex. `cdata_mapping` determines wether those indices are scaled to map linearly into the current colormap ( `'scaled'` mode) or point directly into this colormap ( `'direct`' mode). This property is useful when `color_flag` equals `2`, `3` or `4`. Note that this property exists only with `Fac3d` entities. Note also that `plot3d` has `'direct'` mode by default and `surf` has `'scaled'` mode by default. : :Clipping: a string `"on"` or `"off"` defining the clipping mode ( `"on"` by default). It is equivalent to the `clip_state` property. This field contains the `visible` property (see `polyline_properties`_). Note that this property is not yet available for surface entities. : :Color or Foreground: a string defining a known color (see `color_list`_) or a `1`x `3` (or `3`x `1`) RGB vector defining a color number. Color number is given as a 3-uple `R`, `G`, `B` corresponding respectively to red, green and blue intensity between 0 and 1. This property is linked to the object's `foreground` property (see `polyline_properties`_). `Warning` `:` Color is not available for surfaces objects. The `Foreground` property exists for surfaces objects but is linked to the Matlab `EdgeColor` property (see `surface_properties`_). : :EdgeColor or Foreground: a string defining a known color (see `color_list`_) or a `1`x `3` (or `3`x `1`) RGB vector defining a color number. Color number is given as a 3-uple `R`, `G`, `B` corresponding respectively to red, green and blue intensity between 0 and 1. This property is linked to the surface `foreground` property (see `surface_properties`_). `Warning` `:` For polyline objects, the `Foreground` property exists with a different meaning (see above) and `EdgeColor` does not exist at all. : :FaceColor: a string with value `'none'`, `'flat'` or `'interp'` specifying the way the facet's color are rendered. When `'none'` is selected, a mesh of the surface is drawn; if `'flat'` (deault mode) is set, the `Fac3d` `` values determine one color per facet using the color of the first vertex of the facet. If the value is `'interp'`, an interpolated shading is done on the surface using `` to determine a color at each vertex of each facet. : :LineStyle: This property value should be a string defining a line style. This property is linked to tje object's `line_style` property (see `polyline_properties`_ or `surface_properties`_). `Specifier` `Line Style` `-` Solid line (default) `--` Dashed line `:` Dotted line `-.` Dash-dotted line `none` No line : :Marker or MarkStyle: A string defining the marker type. Note that if you specify a marker wihtout a line style, both line (with default solid mode enabled) and marker are drawn.This property is linked to the object's `mark_style` and `mark_mode` properties (see `polyline_properties`_ or `surface_properties`_). `Specifier` `Marker Type` `+` Plus sign `o` Circle `*` Asterisk `.` Point `x` Cross `'square'` or `'s'` Square `'diamond'` or `'d'` Diamond `^` Upward- pointing triangle `v` Downward-pointing triangle `>` Right-pointing triangle `<` Left-pointing triangle `'pentagram'` Five-pointed star (pentagram) `'none'` No marker (default) : :MarkerEdgeColor or MarkForeground: a string defining a known color (see color_list) or a `1`x `3` (or `3`x `1`) RGB vector defining a color number. Color number is given as a 3-uple `R`, `G`, `B` corresponding respectively to red, green and blue intensity between 0 and 1. This property is linked to the object's `mark_foreground` property (see `polyline_properties`_ or `surface_properties`_). : :MarkerFaceColor or MarkBackground: a string defining a known color (see color_list) or a `1`x `3` (or `3`x `1`) RGB vector defining a color number. Color number is given as a 3-uple `R`, `G`, `B` corresponding respectively to red, green and blue intensity between 0 and 1. This property is linked to the object's `mark_background` property (see `polyline_properties`_ or `surface_properties`_). : :MarkerSize or MarkSize: a scalar defining the marker size in `point` unit. This property is linked to the object's `mark_size` property with `mark_size_unit` enabled to `"point"` (see `polyline_properties`_ or `surface_properties`_). : :Visible: a string `"on"` or `"off"` defining the visibility mode ( `"on"` by default). This property is linked to the object's `visible` property (see `polyline_properties`_ or `surface_properties`_). : :X data: a real vector or matrix (re-)defining the given data for all the plotted lines or surfaces. Concerning dimensions, note that this new data must match all the previous specified `X` data : that is to say all those data matrices must be of the same dimensions. This property is linked to the object's `data.x` property (see `polyline_properties`_ or `surface_properties`_). : :Y data: a real vector or matrix (re-)defining the given data for all the plotted lines or surfaces. Concerning dimensions, note that this new data must match all the previous specified `Y` data : that is to say all those data matrices must be of the same dimensions. This property is linked to the object's `data.y` property (see `polyline_properties`_ or `surface_properties`_). : :Z data: when used with `plot`, a real vector or matrix adding a `Z` data for all the plotted lines ; with `surf`, a real matrix (re-)defining the given data for all the surfaces. Concerning dimensions, note that this new data must match all the previous specified `X` and `Y` data. This property is linked to the object's `data.z` property (see `polyline_properties`_ or `surface_properties`_). : Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: // -------------------- // With the plot command : // -------------------- x=1:10; // Init. `plot`_(x,`sin`_(x),'colo','red','linest','-.','marker','>','markeredg','cyan','markerFace','yellow','markersize',5) `clf`_(); // combinations' order in {PropertyName,PropertyValue} does not matter `plot`_(x,`sin`_(x),'marker','p','markerfac','cyan','markersiz',10) `clf`_(); // combination of LineSpec and GlobalProperty shows the GlobalProperty predominance `plot`_(x,x.*x,'*cya--','color','gr','linestyle','-','marker','sq','markersize',6,'markforegroun','red','markbackgro',[0.2 0.5 0.6]) `clf`_(); //multiple plots with different LineSpecs and finally some global GlobalProperty `clf`_(); t=0:%pi/20:2*%pi; `plot`_(t,`sin`_(t),'ro-.',t,`cos`_(t),'cya+',t,`abs`_(`sin`_(t)),'--mo','markstyl','diam') // -------------------- // With the plot2d command : // -------------------- function draw_marks(title) a=`gca`_(); a.title.text=`title`_; a.mark_size=8; a.data_bounds=[-1.5 1.5 -1.5 1.5]; theta=(1/15)*(2*%pi)*[0:15]; `plot2d`_(`cos`_(theta),`sin`_(theta)); for i=0:14 do theta=(i/15)*(2*%pi); `plot2d`_(`cos`_(theta),`sin`_(theta),style=-i); end endfunction `clf`_(); `subplot`_(2,2,1) draw_marks("black foreground / white background") `subplot`_(2,2,2) a=`gca`_(); a.mark_foreground=-1; a.mark_background=4; draw_marks("black foreground / cyan background") `subplot`_(2,2,3) a=`gca`_(); a.mark_background=0; draw_marks("black foreground / invisible background") `subplot`_(2,2,4) a=`gca`_(); a.mark_foreground=0; a.mark_background=4; draw_marks("invisible foreground / cyan background") // -------------------- // With the surf command : // -------------------- Z= [ 0.0001 0.0013 0.0053 -0.0299 -0.1809 -0.2465 -0.1100 -0.0168 -0.0008 -0.0000 0.0005 0.0089 0.0259 -0.3673 -1.8670 -2.4736 -1.0866 -0.1602 -0.0067 0.0000 0.0004 0.0214 0.1739 -0.3147 -4.0919 -6.4101 -2.7589 -0.2779 0.0131 0.0020 -0.0088 -0.0871 0.0364 1.8559 1.4995 -2.2171 -0.2729 0.8368 0.2016 0.0130 -0.0308 -0.4313 -1.7334 -0.1148 3.0731 0.4444 2.6145 2.4410 0.4877 0.0301 -0.0336 -0.4990 -2.3552 -2.1722 0.8856 -0.0531 2.6416 2.4064 0.4771 0.0294 -0.0137 -0.1967 -0.8083 0.2289 3.3983 3.1955 2.4338 1.2129 0.2108 0.0125 -0.0014 -0.0017 0.3189 2.7414 7.1622 7.1361 3.1242 0.6633 0.0674 0.0030 0.0002 0.0104 0.1733 1.0852 2.6741 2.6725 1.1119 0.1973 0.0152 0.0005 0.0000 0.0012 0.0183 0.1099 0.2684 0.2683 0.1107 0.0190 0.0014 0.0000]; `clf`_(); f=`gcf`_(); f.figure_size = [610,724]; `subplot`_(211) `surf`_(Z,'facecol','interp','ydat',101:110,'edgecol','mage') `subplot`_(212) `surf`_(Z,'edgeco','b','marker','d','markersiz',9,'markerfac','k','xdata',-50:-41) See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `LineSpec`_ to quickly customize the lines appearance in a plot + `plot`_ 2D plot + `surf`_ 3D surface plot + `clf`_ clear or reset the current graphic figure (window) to default values + `polyline_properties`_ description of the Polyline entity properties + `surface_properties`_ description of the 3D entities properties .. _surface_properties: surface_properties.html .. _surf: surf.html .. _LineSpec: LineSpec.html .. _clf: clf.html .. _plot: plot.html .. _polyline_properties: polyline_properties.html .. _color_list: color_list.html