clipboard ========= Copy and paste strings to and from the system clipboard. Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: clipboard("copy",data) str=clipboard("paste") clipboard("do","paste") clipboard("do","copy") clipboard("do","empty") clipboard(winnum,"EMF") clipboard(winnum,"DIB") Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :data Scilab variable or data to set as the clipboard contents. : :str The clipboard contents returned as a Scilab character string. : :winnum Number of the graphic window to set as the clipboard contents. : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ `clipboard("copy",data)` sets the clipboard contents to data. If data is not a character array, the clipboard uses `sci2exp` to convert it to a string. `str = clipboard("paste")` returns the current contents of the clipboard as a string or as an empty string (""), if the current clipboard contents cannot be converted to a string. `clipboard("do","paste")`, `clipboard("do","copy")`, `clipboard("do","empty")` performs a paste, copy or empty clipboard. `clipboard(winnum,"EMF")` copy a graphic window identified by his window's number in the clipboard to EMF format. `clipboard(winnum,"DIB")` copy a graphic window identified by his window's number in the clipboard to DIB format. Note that `clipboard` function works only when Scilab used in window mode.