compute_initial_temp ==================== A SA function which allows to compute the initial temperature of the simulated annealing Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: T_init = compute_initial_temp(x0,f,proba_init, ItMX [, param] ) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :x0 the starting point : :f the objective function which will be send to the simulated annealing for optimization : :proba_init the initial probability of accepting a bad solution (usually around 0.7) : :ItMX the number of iterations of random walk (usually around 100) : :param optional, a data structure managed with the parameters module. The `optim_sa` function is sensitive to the following fields. :"neigh_func" a function which computes a neighbor of a given point. The default neighbourhood function is `neigh_func_default`. : :"type_accept" the type of acceptation function. If the type is equal to "sa", then the initial temperature is computed from `T_init = - f_sum ./ log(proba_init)`. If the type is equal to "vfsa", it is computed from `T_init = abs(f_sum / log(1/proba_init - 1))`. : : :T_init The initial temperature corresponding to the given probability of accepting a bad solution : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ This function computes an initial temperature given an initial probability of accepting a bad solution. This computation is based on some iterations of random walk. Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: `deff`_('y=f(x)','y=sum(x.^2)'); x0 = [2 2]; Proba_start = 0.7; It_Pre = 100; x_test = `neigh_func_default`_(x0); saparams = `init_param`_(); saparams = `add_param`_(comp_t_params,'neigh_func', `neigh_func_default`_); T0 = compute_initial_temp(x0, rastrigin, Proba_start, It_Pre, saparams); See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `optim_sa`_ A Simulated Annealing optimization method + `neigh_func_default`_ A SA function which computes a neighbor of a given point + `temp_law_default`_ A SA function which computed the temperature of the next temperature stage .. _optim_sa: optim_sa.html .. _neigh_func_default: neigh_func_default.html .. _temp_law_default: temp_law_default.html