condestsp ========= estimate the condition number of a sparse matrix Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: [K1] = condestsp(A, LUp, t) [K1] = condestsp(A, LUp) [K1] = condestsp(A, t) [K1] = condestsp(A) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :A a real or complex square sparse matrix : :LUp (optional) a pointer to (umf) LU factors of A obtained by a call to umf_lufact ; if you have already computed the LU (= PAQ) factors it is recommended to give this optional parameter (as the factorization may be time consuming) : :t (optional) a positive integer (default value 2) by increasing this one you may hope to get a better (even exact) estimate : :K1 estimated 1-norm condition number of A : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ Give an estimate of the 1-norm condition number of the sparse matrix A by Algorithm 2.4 appearing in : :: "A block algorithm for matrix 1-norm estimation with an application to 1-`norm`_ pseudospectra" Nicholas J. Higham `and`_ Francoise Tisseur Siam J. Matrix Anal. Appl., vol 21, No 4, pp 1185-1201 Noting the exact condition number `K1e = ||A||_1 ||A^(-1)||_1`, we have always `K1 <= K1e` and this estimate gives in most case something superior to `1/2 K1e` Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: A = `sparse`_( [ 2 3 0 0 0; 3 0 4 0 6; 0 -1 -3 2 0; 0 0 1 0 0; 0 4 2 0 1] ); K1 = condestsp(A) // verif by direct computation K1e = `norm`_(A,1)*`norm`_(`inv`_(`full`_(A)),1) // another example [A] = `ReadHBSparse`_(SCI+"/modules/umfpack/examples/arc130.rua"); K1 = condestsp(A) // this example is not so big so that we can do the verif K1e = `norm`_(A,1)*`norm`_(`inv`_(`full`_(A)),1) // if you have already the lu factors condestsp(A,Lup) is faster // because lu factors are then not computed inside condestsp Lup = `umf_lufact`_(A); K1 = condestsp(A,Lup) `umf_ludel`_(Lup) // clear memory See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `umf_lufact`_ lu factorisation of a sparse matrix + `rcond`_ inverse condition number .. _rcond: rcond.html .. _umf_lufact: umf_lufact.html