freq ==== frequency response Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: [x]=freq(A,B,C [,D],f) [x]=freq(NUM,DEN,f) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :A, B, C, D real matrices of respective dimensions `nxn, nxp, mxn, mxp`. : :NUM,DEN polynomial matrices of dimension `mxp` : :x real or complex matrix : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ `x=freq(A,B,C [,D],f)` returns a real or complex `mxp*t` matrix such that: `x(:,k*p:(k+1)*p)= C*inv(f(k)*eye()-A)*B + D`. Thus, for `f` taking values along the imaginary axis or on the unit circle `x` is the continuous or discrete time frequency response of `(A,B,C,D)`. `x=freq(NUM,DEN,f)` returns a real or complex matrix `x` such that columns `k*(p-1)+1` to `k*p` of `x` contain the matrix `NUM(f(k))./DEN(f(k))` Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: s=`poly`_(0,'s'); sys=(s+1)/(s^3-5*s+4) rep=freq(sys("num"),sys("den"),[0,0.9,1.1,2,3,10,20]) [`horner`_(sys,0),`horner`_(sys,20)] // Sys=`tf2ss`_(sys); [A,B,C,D]=`abcd`_(Sys); freq(A,B,C,[0,0.9,1.1,2,3,10,20]) See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `repfreq`_ frequency response + `horner`_ polynomial/rational evaluation .. _horner: horner.html .. _repfreq: repfreq.html