**** getlinestyle ============ dialog to select linestyle. **Obsolete function.** Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: k=getlinestyle() Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :k integer, selected linestyle or [] if the "Cancel" button has been clicked. : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ This function designed to work with the `xset`_ function **is also obsolete** .Use the property editor `ged`_ instead. `getlinestyle` opens a graphic window to select a line style. Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: x=0:0.1:10; `plot2d`_(x,`sin`_(x)) e=`gce`_(); // store the Compound containing the plot e.children(1).line_style = getlinestyle(); See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `ged`_ Scilab Graphic Editor + `set`_ set a property value of a graphic entity object or of a User Interface object. + `segs_properties`_ description of the Polyline entity properties + `segs_properties`_ description of the Segments entity properties .. _set: set.html .. _segs_properties: segs_properties.html .. _ged: ged.html .. _xset: xset.html .. _segs_properties: polyline_properties.html