mapsound ======== Plots a sound map Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: mapsound (w,dt,fmin,fmax,simpl,rate) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :dt,fmin,fmax,simpl,rate scalars. default values dt=0.1,fmin=100,fmax=1500,simpl=1,rate=22050; : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ Plots a sound map for a sound. It does FFT at time increments dt. `rate` is the sampling rate. `simpl` points are collected for speed reasons. `fmin` and `fmax` are used for graphic boundaries. Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: // At first we create 0.5 seconds of sound parameters. t=`soundsec`_(0.5); // Then we generate the sound. s=`sin`_(440*t)+`sin`_(220*t)/2+`sin`_(880*t)/2; [nr,nc]=`size`_(t); s(nc/2:nc)=`sin`_(330*t(nc/2:nc)); mapsound(s);