
linear equation solver

Calling Sequence

[x0,kerA]=linsolve(A,b [,x0])


:A a na x ma real matrix (possibly sparse) : :b a na x 1 vector (same row dimension as A) : :x0 a real vector : :kerA a ma x k real matrix :


linsolve computes all the solutions to A*x+b=0.

x0 is a particular solution (if any) and kerA=`nullspace of `A. Any x=x0+kerA*w with arbitrary w satisfies A*x+b=0.

If compatible x0 is given on entry, x0 is returned. If not a compatible x0, if any, is returned.


b=A*`ones`_(8,1);[x,kerA]=linsolve(A,b);A*x+b   //compatible b
b=`ones`_(5,1);[x,kerA]=linsolve(A,b);A*x+b   //uncompatible b
A=`rand`_(5,5);[x,kerA]=linsolve(A,b), -`inv`_(A)*b  //x is unique

// Benchmark with other linear sparse solver:
[A,descr,ref,mtype] = `ReadHBSparse`_(SCI+"/modules/umfpack/examples/bcsstk24.rsa");

b = `zeros`_(`size`_(A,1),1);

res = `umfpack`_(A,'\',b);
`mprintf`_('\ntime needed to solve the system with umfpack: %.3f\n',`toc`_());

res = linsolve(A,b);
`mprintf`_('\ntime needed to solve the system with linsolve: %.3f\n',`toc`_());

res = A\b;
`mprintf`_('\ntime needed to solve the system with the backslash operator: %.3f\n',`toc`_());

See Also

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