
xwindow dialog for Xcos

Calling Sequence



:desc column vector of strings, dialog general comment : :labels n column vector of strings, labels(i) is the label of the

ith required value
: :typ list(typ_1,dim_1,..,typ_n,dim_n)

:typ_i defines the type of the ith value, may have the following values:

:”mat” for constant matrix : :”col” for constant column vector : :”row” for constant row vector : :”vec” for constant vector : :”intvec” for constant vector with integer values i.e int(x) == x : :”str” for string : :”lis” for list :
: :dim_i defines the size of the ith value it must be an integer or a
2-vector of integer, -1 stands for undefined dimension


: :ini n column vector of strings, ini(i) gives the suggested
response for the ith required value

: :ok boolean ,%t if ok button pressed, %f if cancel button pressed : :xi contains the ith value if ok=%t. If left hand side has one more

xi than required values the last xi contains the vector of answered strings.



This function encapsulate x_mdialog function with error checking, evaluation of numerical response, ...


All valid expressions can be used as answers; for matrices and vectors getvalues automatically adds [ ] around the given answer before numeric evaluation.


labels=["magnitude";"frequency";"phase    "];
[ok,mag,`freq`_,ph]=scicos_getvalue("define sine signal",labels,...

See Also

  • x_mdialog Dialog for interactive vector/matrix input.
  • x_matrix Xwindow editing of matrix
  • x_dialog Dialog for interactive multi-lines input.

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