.. toctree:: :numbered: =================================== ADB Installation and ADB commands =================================== Introduction ------------ * ADB installation via linux terminal makes it ease to ``push`` or ``pull`` files in/out from the android environment or basically the sdcard. * The content of the sdcard can easily be accessed from the terminal, and huge files and foldes can be easily pushed or pulled from sdcard. * ADB installation via linux terminal brings the power to execute the adb commands like ``adb connect``, ``adb devices``, ``adb install``, ``adb uninstall``, ``adb push`` and ``adb pull`` * The adb commands via linux terminal is useful while communicating with the real time android tablets or phones, and adding varied features to make the android application more innovative. Setting up Android Debug Bridge ``adb`` and is usage ---------------------------------------------------- NOTE: You need to download **android sdk** from `developer.android.com `_ for your system and extract it to suitable location. * In the terminal go to the ``android-linux-sdk/tools`` directory annd verify whether ``adb`` binary exists in its path :: cd /home//android-sdk-linux/tools * Make an entry in your ``~/.bashrc`` file to export ``adb`` in a ``$PATH`` :: echo "export PATH=/home//android-sdk-linux/tools:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc * In case we can also export the path of android tools by editing the ``~/.bashrc`` file * Open the ``~/.bashrc`` by `vim` or by `gedit`. * At the end of .bashrc script(basically after ``fi`` command in ``.bashrc``), enter below line :: export PATH=:/home//android-sdk-linux/tools:$PATH * Similar operation has to be performed for the ``platform-tools`` directory in the android to export its path. * Direct to the ``platform-tools`` directory * Export the path of ``platform-tools`` to ``~/.bashrc`` :: echo "export PATH=/home//android-sdk-linux/platform-tools:$PATH">> ~/.bashrc * In case we can also export the path of android platform-tools by editing the bashrc * Open the ``.bashrc`` by `vim` or by `gedit` * At the end of `.bashrc` script(basically after ``fi`` command in ``.bashrc``), enter below line :: export PATH=:/home//android-sdk-linux/platform-tools:$PATH * Connect to the real devices by ``adb connect``, in case of the virtual machine(emulator) launch the emulator by the ``avd`` manager. * Check for the Devices by the ``adb devices``, shows you the list of the devices your machine is connected to. ADB Commands ------------ **adb connect ** * This adb command connects you the devices , to execute the command the ip address of the device is required. The device and the machine must be in the same network. The device an be acccessed through wireless by giving either a static or dynamic ip address. Example:: adb connect **adb devices** * This adb command shows the current devices connect to the system or the machine. Example: :: adb devices **adb push** * This adb command allows the user to push the files, folders, documents to the android filesystem and sdcard. The example shows the pushing of the simple text file into mydir folder in the sdcard. :: adb push sample.txt /sdcard/mydir/ * In case if the folder does not exists, we can make it by :: adb push sample.txt /sdcard/mydir **adb pull** * This adb command allows the user to pull the files, folders, documents from the android filesystem and sdcard. The example shows the pulling of the simple text file from mydir folder of the sdcard. :: adb pull /sdcard/mydir/sample.txt /home//Documents/ **adb install** * This adb command allows the user to install the application to real time device (tablet or phone) or from the emulator . Example: to install the ``ABT.apk`` to the tablet . :: adb install ABT.apk **adb uninstall** * This adb command allows the user to uninstall the application from the real time device (tablet or phone) or from the emulator. Example: to uninstall the ``ABT.apk`` to the tablet . :: adb uninstall com.aakash.lab **adb kill-server** * In case when the connection to the device is not properly established. The user can execute the command the ``adb kill-server`` and can restart the connection to communicate with the device. :: adb kill-server