.. toctree:: :numbered: Bank reconciliation =================== * When the user clicks on the Bank Reconciliation Statement under Masters menu, it pops up a dialog box. .. image:: images/bank_reco_before.png :align: center :height: 200pt :width: 350pt * A list of ``bank account`` names will be populated. The user selects one of the account names displayed and gives the ``from date`` and ``to date`` i.e the time period. By default it is organisation's financial from date and to date. Change date as per the requirement. * Check the first check box to view ``cleared+uncleared`` transactions and second one to view transactions with ``narrations``. * Press ``View``. * A Ledger for that period for the selected account will be displayed to the user with the fields: Date, Particulars, Cheque number, Reference Number, Debit Amount, Credit Amount, Clearance date & Memo. This shall consist all the reconciled transactions with the clearance date and not-reconciled transactions along with all not-reconciled transactions from the start of the organisation (i.e start date of the company) to the entered ``to date``. .. image:: images/bank_reconciliation.png :align: center :height: 200pt :width: 350pt * ``Total Debit`` & ``Total Credit`` are displayed in the last row of the table. * Bank Reconciliation Statement is located at the bottom of the table. * If the user wishes to reconcile now, he clicks the ``Clearance date`` column. The clearance date field and memo are the ``Text input`` areas for the user to enter valid data. * The user enters the date and some text in the memo (if he wishes to) and clicks on ``Save`` button(located at the title bar). * There are 3 conditions to decide if the transaction has to be reconciled or not. **Condition 1:** If clearance date has been entered and memo field is empty, the transaction is cleared i.e reconciled. **Condition 2:** If clearance date has NOT been entered by the user, then, this transaction will be reconciled in the future. On clicking ``Save``, the transactions which fall into Condition 1 will be the only ones which will be reconciled. * So the ``Bank Reconciliation Statement`` will get updated automatically. * Click on the table row to see the details of the transaction. In accounting terms this fuctionality is called ``Drilldown``. * In options menu two features are provided: export report in PDF or CSV format. * To change the input informations, user can click on button present in top-left corner of the screen.