Chapter 6: Programming Exercises ================================ :: 1. Write a program that consists of a **main()** function and one or more other functions. One of the functions must be called **void printLetter( char, short, char );** where the formal parameters are void printLetter( char symbol, short height, char letter ); where **symbol** is a character such as '*'; **height** specifies the number of symbol characters that compose the height; and, **letter** specifies a letter of the alphabet. The **printLetter()** function prints a letter with the height specified using the specified symbol. For example, symbol = '*' height = '5' letter = 'c' the function will print ******* * * * ******* The width will always be 7. Make the program continuously prompt for the input of the above data until a -1 is input for the height. This should be written using C++ syntax. 2. Write a program that will convert an unsigned integer number to its binary representation and print on the screen that binary representation. This program should consist of a **main()** function, which prompts for the input of an unsigned integer value from the keyboard, and a second function called **convertToBinary( char [], unsigned )**, which converts the unsigned argument passed to its binary form. The character string holding the binary string is returned in an array that is passed as an argument. DO NOT assume the word length of the system, but determine the word length by obtaining the number of bytes in an integer and using 8-bits as representing a byte. Declare the array for the storage of the binary image large enough to hold 32 bits. Write the program using C++ syntax. 3. Write a program to encode a message using the following techique. 1. Enter a message (allow up to 256 characters). 2. Use a function compress() to remove the spaces from the entered message. 3. Print out the ASCII codes for the message characters in groups of 10 separated by two spaces.