Chapter 10: Programming Exercises ================================= :: 1. Write a class called **CAccount** which contains two private data elements, an integer **accountNumber** and a floating point **accountBalance**, and three member functions: 1. A constructor that allows the user to set initial values for **accountNumber** and **accountBalance** and a default constructor that prompts for the input of the values for the above data members. 2. A function called **inputTransaction**, which reads a character value for **transactionType** ('D' for deposit and 'W' for withdrawal), and a floating point value for **transactionAmount**, which updates **accountBalance**. 3. A function called **printBalance**, which prints on the screen the **accountNumber** and **accountBalance**. 2. Design a class **CCourse** that will hold the courses that are offered at a local college. The class should at least have the following data members: year = the calendar year the class is being taught term = the term the class is being taught in (FALL, WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER) courseNumber = the course prefix and number (edp171, chm201, ... ) sectionNumber = the three character value that identifies what specific section of the course is being taught building = what building the course is being taught in room = what room the course is being taught in beginTime = what time the course starts (the beginning time can vary from one meeting to the next, i.e., The class meets at 1:00PM on Monday and Wednesday, but at 1:30PM on Tuesday and Thursday.) endTime = what time the course starts (the ending time can vary from one meeting to the next, i.e., The class ends at 3:00PM on Monday and Wednesday, but at 3:30PM on Tuesday and Thursday.) meetingDays = what days of the week the course meets, usually more than once a week. Develop all methods needed by the class. You do not have to write a program to use the class. 3. Design a class **CDocument** that will hold lines that compose the contents of a document. A document can be text that comes from disk file or a list of lines that are temporarily being held in memory. The class should have a 'has-a' relationship with a **CDblList** class which is a double linked list class. The **CDocument** class should at least have the following capabilities: 1. A constructor that is passed the name of a disk file. The file will be opened, the contents read and each line from the file will be stored into an element of the linked list. 2. A default constructor that initializes the list as being empty. 3. A copy constructor that initializes the list from another instance of the **CDocument**. 4. A group of browse functions for the list, such as: - insert a new item in the list - delete an item from the list - move to the beginning of the list - move to the end of the list - move to the next item in the list - move to the previous item in the list - are we at the beginning of the list - are we at the end of the list - return the value from the current item in the list 5. A method that returns a reference to the current instance of the **CDocument** class. Develop all methods needed by the class. You do not have to write a program to use the class. 4. Design a class **CView** that will allow for the display of lines of text. The class will paginate any output, pausing at the end of each screen full shown and allowing the input of the following commands: - N or n for move to next page - P or p for move to previous page - Q or q to quit the display and return to the menu The **CView** class should at least have the following capabilities: 1. A constructor that is passed the address of a **CDocument** class. The **CDocument** class manages the document that will be viewed. 2. A default constructor that initializes the display device to be blank. Develop all methods needed by the class. You do not have to write a program to use the class.