what is shell is a box, and why we are using it??
In vt100.js file of shellinabox following changes were made
'<div id="keyboard" unselectable="on">' +
'</div>' +
'<div id="scrollable" style="height:auto;min-height:350px;">' +
'<table id="kbd_button">' +
'<tr><td width="100%"> </td>' +
'<td><img id="kbd_img" src="keyboard.png" /></td>' +
A line was commented
var partial = height % this.cursorHeight;
// this.scrollable.style.height = (height > 0 ? height : 0) + 'px';
this.padding.style.height = (partial > 0 ? partial : 0) + 'px';
In style.css following html attribute was added .As webview in android is having a definite width ,exceeding the html width make’s it scroll horizontally.
Cursor when viewed in the shellinabox in android 2.2 then it doesn’t appends the last character rather comes 4 characters before .The problem was solved by editing the scaling factor of cursor and optimising the value of scale factor so it appears where required. Following lines were edited in vt100.js file in /shellinabox-2.14/shellinabox/vt100 directory
if (wasCompressed) {
this.currentScreen = 0;
this.cursorX = 0;
this.cursorY = 0;
this.numScrollbackLines = 0;
this.top = 0;
this.bottom = 0x7FFFFFFF;
this.scale = 0.57;
var kbd = this.keyboard.firstChild;
var scale = 0.57;
var transform = this.getTransformName();
content of codeMirror goes here