Matrix_pal ========== Matrix operation palette Block Screenshot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Module ~~~~~~ + `xcos`_ Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ Matrix palette contains all blocks that you need to do simple and complex matrix operations. Blocks ~~~~~~ + `CUMSUM - Cumulative Sum`_ + `EXTRACT - Matrix Extractor`_ + `EXTTRI - Triangular or Diagonal Extraction`_ + `MATBKSL - Left Matrix Division`_ + `MATCATH - Horizontal Concatenation`_ + `MATCATV - Vertical Concatenation`_ + `MATDET - Matrix Determinant`_ + `MATDIAG - Create Diagonal Matrix`_ + `MATDIV - Matrix Division`_ + `MATEIG - Matrix Eigenvalues`_ + `MATEXPM - Matrix Exponential`_ + `MATINV - Matrix Inverse`_ + `MATLU - LU Factorization`_ + `MATMAGPHI - Complex from/to Magnitude and Angle Conversion`_ + `MATMUL - Matrix Multiplication`_ + `MATPINV - Matrix PseudoInverse`_ + `MATRESH - Matrix Reshape`_ + `MATSING - SVD Decomposition`_ + `MATSUM - Sum of Matrix's Elements`_ + `MATTRAN - Matrix Transpose`_ + `MATZCONJ - Conjugate of Matrix's Elements`_ + `MATZREIM - Complex Composition/Decomposition`_ + `RICC - Riccati Equation`_ + `ROOTCOEF - Polynomial Coefficient Computation`_ + `SQRT - Square Root`_ + `SUBMAT - Sub-matrix Extraction`_ .. _MATEXPM - Matrix Exponential: MATEXPM.html .. _SQRT - Square Root: SQRT-36875f2500a09ee35d0bb7eb8c0b91b0.html .. _MATPINV - Matrix PseudoInverse: MATPINV.html .. _MATRESH - Matrix Reshape: MATRESH.html .. _MATMAGPHI - Complex from/to Magnitude and Angle Conversion: MATMAGPHI.html .. _MATSING - SVD Decomposition: MATSING.html .. _EXTTRI - Triangular or Diagonal Extraction: EXTTRI.html .. _xcos: xcos.html .. _MATLU - LU Factorization: MATLU.html .. _ROOTCOEF - Polynomial Coefficient Computation: ROOTCOEF.html .. _MATDIAG - Create Diagonal Matrix: MATDIAG.html .. _s Elements: MATSUM.html .. _SUBMAT - Sub-matrix Extraction: SUBMAT.html .. _MATMUL - Matrix Multiplication: MATMUL.html .. _RICC - Riccati Equation: RICC-3640f0aabea1a4c3d1b9c40b31c8b3d5.html .. _s Elements: MATZCONJ.html .. _MATINV - Matrix Inverse: MATINV.html .. _MATBKSL - Left Matrix Division: MATBKSL.html .. _MATCATV - Vertical Concatenation: MATCATV.html .. _CUMSUM - Cumulative Sum: CUMSUM-a85e04b226fbdce6a2da89e965ea9df.html .. _MATDIV - Matrix Division: MATDIV.html .. _MATCATH - Horizontal Concatenation: MATCATH.html .. _MATTRAN - Matrix Transpose: MATTRAN.html .. _EXTRACT - Matrix Extractor: EXTRACT.html .. _MATZREIM - Complex Composition/Decomposition: MATZREIM.html .. _MATDET - Matrix Determinant: MATDET.html .. _MATEIG - Matrix Eigenvalues: MATEIG.html