Sources_pal =========== Sources palette Block Screenshot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Module ~~~~~~ + `xcos`_ Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ Most of blocks of the Source palette can be viewed as data generators. That palette also contains blocks to read data from files and input ports used in superblocks. The blocks of that palette does not have regular input ports. Blocks ~~~~~~ + `CLKINV_f - Activation Input Port`_ + `CLOCK_c - Activation Clock`_ + `CONST_m - Constant`_ + `Counter - Counter`_ + `CURV_f - Signal Generator (defined by a curve)`_ + `FROMWSB - Data from Scilab Workspace to Xcos`_ + `GENSIN_f - Sine wave generator`_ + `GENSQR_f - Square Wave Generator`_ + `IN_f - Regular Input Port`_ + `INIMPL_f - Implicit Input Port`_ + `Modulo_Count - Modulo Counter`_ + `RAMP - Ramp Function`_ + `RAND_m - Random Generator`_ + `READAU_f - Read AU Sound File`_ + `READC_f - Read Binary Data`_ + `RFILE_f - Read From File`_ + `SampleCLK - Sample Time Clock`_ + `SAWTOOTH_f - Sawtooth Generator`_ + `Sigbuilder - Signal Creator/Generator`_ + `STEP_FUNCTION - Step Function`_ + `TIME_f - Simulation Time`_ + `TKSCALE - Adjust constant value with a tk widget`_ .. _RAMP - Ramp Function: RAMP.html .. _IN_f - Regular Input Port: IN_f.html .. _TIME_f - Simulation Time: TIME_f.html .. _CLOCK_c - Activation Clock: CLOCK_c.html .. _xcos: xcos.html .. _READC_f - Read Binary Data: READC_f.html .. _STEP_FUNCTION - Step Function: STEP_FUNCTION.html .. _Sigbuilder - Signal Creator/Generator: Sigbuilder.html .. _RFILE_f - Read From File: RFILE_f.html .. _INIMPL_f - Implicit Input Port: INIMPL_f.html .. _SAWTOOTH_f - Sawtooth Generator: SAWTOOTH_f.html .. _GENSIN_f - Sine wave generator: GENSIN_f.html .. _TKSCALE - Adjust constant value with a tk widget: TKSCALE.html .. _Counter - Counter: Counter.html .. _FROMWSB - Data from Scilab Workspace to Xcos: FROMWSB.html .. _RAND_m - Random Generator: RAND_m.html .. _CONST_m - Constant: CONST_m.html .. _Modulo_Count - Modulo Counter: Modulo_Count.html .. _GENSQR_f - Square Wave Generator: GENSQR_f.html .. _READAU_f - Read AU Sound File: READAU_f.html .. _CURV_f - Signal Generator (defined by a curve): CURV_f.html .. _SampleCLK - Sample Time Clock: SampleCLK.html .. _CLKINV_f - Activation Input Port: CLKINV_f.html