atomsTest ========= Execute tests of given module installed Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: status = atomsTest(module) status = atomsTest(module, test_name) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :module mx1 Matrix of strings: *1st Col.* *Technical name* Mandatory : :test_name A string array : :status boolean value %t or %f Returns %t if no error has been detected Returns %f if any error has been detected : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ `atomsTest` executes all the tests provided by the module and print their results. Example ~~~~~~~ *Example 1*: Test a module already installed :: // Display some additionnal information `atomsSetConfig`_("Verbose","True"); // Get the list of loaded modules: `atomsGetLoaded`_(); //Supposing that toolbox_1 is installed, test : atomsTest("toolbox_1"); Explanations on the printing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Example 1*: result of atomsTest("apifun") :: atomsTest("apifun") TMPDIR = /var/folders/z+/z+tSde0-FIufFmhuoUJtjE+++TI/-Tmp-//SCI_TMP_17720_kcOsmV 001/019 - [SCI/contrib/apifun/0.2-2] argindefault...............passed 002/019 - [SCI/contrib/apifun/0.2-2] checkcallable..............passed 003/019 - [SCI/contrib/apifun/0.2-2] checkdims..................passed 004/019 - [SCI/contrib/apifun/0.2-2] checkflint.................passed 005/019 - [SCI/contrib/apifun/0.2-2] checkgreq..................passed 006/019 - [SCI/contrib/apifun/0.2-2] checklhs...................passed 007/019 - [SCI/contrib/apifun/0.2-2] checkloweq.................passed 008/019 - [SCI/contrib/apifun/0.2-2] checkoption................passed 009/019 - [SCI/contrib/apifun/0.2-2] checkrange.................passed 010/019 - [SCI/contrib/apifun/0.2-2] checkrhs...................passed 011/019 - [SCI/contrib/apifun/0.2-2] checkscalar................passed 012/019 - [SCI/contrib/apifun/0.2-2] checksquare................passed 013/019 - [SCI/contrib/apifun/0.2-2] checktype..................passed 014/019 - [SCI/contrib/apifun/0.2-2] checkveccol................failed : dia `and`_ ref are not equal 015/019 - [SCI/contrib/apifun/0.2-2] checkvecrow................passed 016/019 - [SCI/contrib/apifun/0.2-2] checkvector................failed : dia `and`_ ref are not equal 017/019 - [SCI/contrib/apifun/0.2-2] complete...................passed 018/019 - [SCI/contrib/apifun/0.2-2] complete2..................passed 019/019 - [SCI/contrib/apifun/0.2-2] expandvar..................passed -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary tests 19 - 100 % passed 17 - 89 % failed 2 - 10 % skipped 0 - 0 % `length`_ 26.34 sec -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details TEST : [SCI/contrib/apifun/0.2-2] checkveccol failed : dia `and`_ ref are not equal Compare the following files : - /var/folders/z+/z+tSde0-FIufFmhuoUJtjE+++TI/-Tmp-//SCI_TMP_17720_kcOsmV/checkveccol.dia - /Users/scilab/Desktop/ TEST : [SCI/contrib/apifun/0.2-2] checkvector failed : dia `and`_ ref are not equal Compare the following files : - /var/folders/z+/z+tSde0-FIufFmhuoUJtjE+++TI/-Tmp-//SCI_TMP_17720_kcOsmV/checkvector.dia - /Users/scilab/Desktop/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ans = %f TMPDIR is the general folder where all the temporary files of the tests will be saved. The list of the tests is then shown, with their endings. *Possible endings* *passed* Test ended up successfully *failed : error_output not empty* A line has been printed whereas it should not have *failed : dia and ref are not equal* You have a difference between your result and what it should have been (reference) *failed : premature end of the test script* Something stopped the test before it had time to finish normally *unknown* You have an error that doesn't match any of our usual situations *failed : the ref file doesn't exist* The test needs a reference file to compare its result *failed : the dia file is not correct* The file produced by the test isn't correctly formatted *failed : the string (!--error) has been detected* The test script produced an error that might have been masked by the rest of the test *skipped : interactive test* The test needs an action from your part, and has been skipped as you are in non interactive mode *skipped : not yet fixed* The bug is reported, however the developer did not have time to fix it *failed : bug reopened* This bug used to be fixed, but it came back to an instable status and is waiting another fix from its developer *skipped : test with graphic* When a test is graphic and scilab is launched without graphic *skipped : Long time duration* This test is too long to be tested. Usually appears on Scilab's test chain *skipped : Windows only* You are under another OS than Windows, and this test is only available for Windows platforms *skipped : MacOSX only* You are under another OS than MacOSX, and this test is only available for Mac platforms *skipped : Linux only* You are under another OS than Linux, and this test is only available for Linux platforms You then have a summary of the execution, indicating how many tests were skipped, failed or suceed, and the duration time of the whole. In details, you have a report for each test that failed, indicating where to check for error logs. See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `atomsInstall`_ Determines whether the module is installed. Returns true if the module is installed, false otherwise. + `atomsLoad`_ Load one or several external modules + `test_run`_ Launch tests + `assert`_ An overview of the Assert module. History ~~~~~~~ Version Description 5.4.0 atomsTest returns a status: + Returns %t if no error has been detected + Returns %f if any error has been detected 5.4.0 atomsTest manages specific test names. .. _atomsInstall: atomsIsInstalled.html .. _atomsLoad: atomsLoad.html .. _test_run: test_run.html .. _assert: assert_overview.html