cell ==== Create a cell array of empty matrices. Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: c=cell() c=cell(m1) c=cell(m1, m2) c=cell(m1, m2, ..., mn) c=cell(x) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :x Vector containing the dimensions of the cell to create. : :m1, m2,.. Dimensions of the cell to create. : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ Returns the create cell of empty matrices. :cell() returns a `(0,0)` cell array of empty matrices. : :cell(m1) returns a `(m1,m1)` cell array of empty matrices. : :cell(m1,m2) returns a `(m1,m2)`cell array of empty matrices. : :cell(m1,m2,..,mn) creates a `(m1,m2,..,mn)` cell array of empty matrices. : :cell(x) returns a cell array of empty matrices with: the first dimension of the cell array is `x(1)`, the second dimension is `x(2), ...` : Remarks ~~~~~~~ `cell(x)`is not the same size that `x`. `cell()` is equivalent to `cell(0)`. If A is a cell array, you can access the contents of an element of A by using `A(m1, m2, ..., mn).entries`, the expression `A(1,1) = zeros(2,2)` is not valid, the right syntax is `A(1,1).entries = zeros(2,2)`. If A is a cell array, you can get its dimensions by using `A.dims` which returns an `int32` value that cannot be used as a subscript for the cell array. In this case, the best way to get the cell array dimensions is `size(A)`. Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: a=cell(3) b=cell(3,1) c=cell([2,3,4]) // Assigning cell entries b=cell(3,1); // Assigning the first element of b using the 'entries' field b(1).entries=1:3 // Assigning the second element of b using the 'entries' field b(2).entries='Scilab' // Assigning the third element of b using the 'entries' field b(3).entries=`poly`_(1:3,'s') // Assigning sub-cells X=cell(3,2); X(:,1)=b // Extracting a sub-cell: result is a cell b(1) b(1:2) // Extracting a sub-cell value: result is an array b(1).entries // Dimensions of b as an int32 value (cannont be used as an index) b.dims // Dimensions of b as a double value `size`_(b) See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `eye`_ identity matrix + `ones`_ matrix made of ones + `zeros`_ matrix made of zeros .. _ones: ones.html .. _zeros: zeros.html .. _eye: eye.html