chol ==== Cholesky factorization Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: [R]=chol(X) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :X a symmetric positive definite real or complex matrix. : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ If `X` is positive definite, then `R = chol(X)` produces an upper triangular matrix `R` such that `R'*R = X`. `chol(X)` uses only the diagonal and upper triangle of `X`. The lower triangular is assumed to be the (complex conjugate) transpose of the upper. References ~~~~~~~~~~ Cholesky decomposition is based on the Lapack routines DPOTRF for real matrices and ZPOTRF for the complex case. Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: W=`rand`_(5,5)+%i*`rand`_(5,5); X=W*W'; R=chol(X); `norm`_(R'*R-X) See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `spchol`_ sparse cholesky factorization + `qr`_ QR decomposition + `svd`_ singular value decomposition + `bdiag`_ block diagonalization, generalized eigenvectors + `fullrf`_ full rank factorization .. _svd: svd.html .. _fullrf: fullrf.html .. _spchol: spchol.html .. _bdiag: bdiag.html .. _qr: qr.html