Compile and run with Call Scilab ================================ How to compile a native application based on or using Scilab Compilation ~~~~~~~~~~~ To compile a native code based on Call Scilab, it is necessary to define some arguments, variables and paths. + CFLAGS. Call Scilab needs to have access to the headers of Scilab core and call Scilab module. + Linux/Unix/MacOSX: + In the binary version of Scilab, CFLAGS must be set to /path/to/scilab/include/scilab/core/ and /path/to/scilab/include/scilab/call_scilab/ + In the source tree of Scilab, CFLAGS must be set to /path/to/scilab/modules/core/includes/ and /path/to/scilab/modules/call_scilab/includes/ + Windows + LD_LIBRARY_PATH - Paths to and (or .dll, .jnilib...) + Linux/Unix/MacOSX: + In the binary version of Scilab, SCI will point to /path/to/scilab/lib/scilab/ + In the source tree of Scilab, SCI will point to the root of the source tree /path/to/scilab/modules/call_scilab/.libs/ and /path/to/scilab/.libs/ + LDFLAGS - The name of the library to link against + Linux/Unix/MacOSX: It is only mandatory to link against scilab. This should include the other libraries. The following example is a Makefile to build against Scilab binary :: # A `sample`_ Makefile building a C code using Call Scilab using Scilab binary PATH_SCILAB = /path/to/scilab/ # Note that PATH_SCILAB can be /usr/ is using a packaged version of Scilab. SCILAB_CFLAGS = -I$(PATH_SCILAB)/include/scilab/ SCILAB_LDFLAGS = -lscilab PATH_TO_LIB_SCILAB = $(PATH_SCILAB)/`lib`_/scilab/ PATH_TO_LIB_CALL_SCILAB = $(PATH_SCILAB)/`lib`_/scilab/ all: simple_call_scilab.c export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(PATH_TO_LIB_SCILAB):$(PATH_TO_LIB_CALL_SCILAB) gcc -o myExample $(SCILAB_LDFLAGS) -L$(PATH_TO_LIB_SCILAB) -L$(PATH_TO_LIB_CALL_SCILAB) $(SCILAB_CFLAGS) simple_call_scilab.c The following example is a Makefile to build against Scilab source tree :: # A `sample`_ Makefile building a C code using Call Scilab using Scilab built in it source tree. PATH_SCILAB = /path/to/scilab/sources/ SCILAB_CFLAGS = -I$(PATH_SCILAB)/modules/core/includes/ -I$(PATH_SCILAB)/modules/call_scilab/includes/ SCILAB_LDFLAGS = -lscilab PATH_TO_LIB_SCILAB = $(PATH_SCILAB)/modules/.libs/ PATH_TO_LIB_CALL_SCILAB = $(PATH_SCILAB)/modules/call_scilab/.libs/ all: simple_call_scilab.c export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(PATH_TO_LIB_SCILAB):$(PATH_TO_LIB_CALL_SCILAB) gcc -o myExample $(SCILAB_LDFLAGS) -L$(PATH_TO_LIB_SCILAB) -L$(PATH_TO_LIB_CALL_SCILAB) $(SCILAB_CFLAGS) simple_call_scilab.c Running ~~~~~~~ To run an application based on Call Scilab, there are a few other things to set up. Some global variables must me set: + SCI - Path to Scilab files + Linux/Unix/MacOSX: + In the binary version of Scilab, SCI will point to /path/to/scilab/share/scilab/ + In the source tree of Scilab, SCI will point to the root of the source tree /path/to/scilab/source/tree/ + Windows: + LD_LIBRARY_PATH - Paths to and (or .dll, .jnilib...) + Linux/Unix/MacOSX: + In the binary version of Scilab, SCI will point to /path/to/scilab/lib/scilab/ + In the source tree of Scilab, SCI will point to the root of the source tree /path/to/scilab/modules/javasci/.libs/ and /path/to/scilab/.libs/ + LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Java) - Paths to Java native libraries (,, It is usually provided by the operating system or by Scilab distribution. Please note that won't be necessary in Scilab 5.2 + Linux/Unix: + JAVA_HOME/jre/lib//, JAVA_HOME/jre/lib//server, JAVA_HOME/jre/lib//native_threads/ ( can be i386, etc...) + Mac OS X: + Windows Note that two environnement variables are taken in account for specific needs: + `SCI_DISABLE_TK=1` Disables Tk (Tcl's GUI) + `SCI_JAVA_ENABLE_HEADLESS=1` Launch Java in headless mode (no AWT/Swing) Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: # Serie of declarations to execute my binary. # With a Scilab source tree: $ SCI= $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SCI/modules/.libs/:$SCI/modules/call_scilab/.libs/:$SCI/modules/api_scilab/.libs # With a Scilab binary: $ SCI_PATH= $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$SCI_PATH/`lib`_/scilab/ # Set the path to Java Virtual Machine library; This is mandatory for graphics features # Don't forget to update arch (i386) `and`_ paths to whatever is necessary $ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/`lib`_/jvm/java-6-openjdk/ $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$JAVA_HOME/jre/`lib`_/i386/:$JAVA_HOME/jre/`lib`_/i386/server/ $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$JAVA_HOME/jre/`lib`_/i386/native_threads/ $ export SCI=/path/to/scilab/ $ ./myExample !sample for the `help`_ ! - 42. 42. See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `api Scilab`_ api_scilab is the Scilab interface to read/write data from/to Scilab memory + `call_scilab`_ call_scilab is an interface which provides the ability to call Scilab engine from C/C++ code + `StartScilab`_ Initializes and starts Scilab engine in Call Scilab + `SendScilabJob`_ Send a Scilab task from a C/C++ code (call_scilab) + `SendScilabJobs`_ Send Scilab tasks from a C/C++ code (call_scilab) + `Double Management`_ How to manage Scilab's variable read and write process using call_scilab and api_scilab + `Boolean Management`_ How to manage Scilab's boolean read and write process using call_scilab and api_scilab + `Complex Management`_ How to manage Scilab's complex variable read and write process using call_scilab + `String Management`_ How to manage Scilab's String read and write process using call_scilab and api_scilab .. _StartScilab: StartScilab.html .. _Double Management: DoubleManagement_callscilab.html .. _call_scilab: call_scilab.html .. _api Scilab: api_scilab.html .. _Boolean Management: BooleanManagement_callscilab.html .. _String Management: StringManagement_callscilab.html .. _Complex Management: ComplexManagement_callscilab.html .. _SendScilabJobs: SendScilabJobs.html .. _SendScilabJob: SendScilabJob.html