eqiir ===== Design of iir filters Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: [cells,fact,zzeros,zpoles]=eqiir(ftype,approx,om,deltap,deltas) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :ftype filter type ( `'lp','hp','sb','bp'`) : :approx design approximation ( `'butt','cheb1','cheb2','ellip'`) : :om 4-vector of cutoff frequencies (in radians) `om=[om1,om2,om3,om4]`, `0 <= om1 <= om2 <= om3 <= om4 <= pi` .When `ftype`='lp' or 'hp', `om3` and `om4` are not used and may be set to 0. : :deltap ripple in the passband. `0<= deltap <=1` : :deltas ripple in the stopband. `0<= deltas <=1` : :cells realization of the filter as second order cells : :fact normalization constant : :zzeros zeros in the z-domain : :zpoles poles in the z-domain : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ Design of iir filter based on `syredi`_. The filter obtained is `h(z)=fact`*product of the elements of `cells`. That is `hz=fact*prod(cells.num)./prod(cells.den).` Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: [cells,fact,zzeros,zpoles]=eqiir('lp','ellip',[2*%pi/10,4*%pi/10],0.02,0.001) h=fact*`poly`_(zzeros,'z')/`poly`_(zpoles,'z') See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `eqfir`_ minimax approximation of FIR filter + `iir`_ iir digital filter + `syredi`_ Design of iir filters, syredi code interface .. _syredi: syredi.html .. _eqfir: eqfir.html .. _iir: iir.html