fileparts ========= returns the path, filename and extension for a file path Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: [path,fname,extension]=fileparts(fullpath) value=fileparts(fullpath,sel) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :fullpath a character string, the given file path. : :sel a optional character string selector, with possible values: `'path'`, `'fname'` or `'extension'`. : :path a character string, the path of the directory pointed to by `fullpath`. : :fname a character string, the filename part is any or `''`. : :extension a character string, the extension part is any or `''`. : :value a character string, depending on `sel` value. : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ `[path,fname,extension]=fileparts(`fullpath`_)` splits the `fullpath` character string in its three parts: the path of the directory pointed to, the filename part, the extension part including the dot. Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: [path,fname,extension]=fileparts('SCI/etc/scilab.start') fileparts('SCI/etc/scilab.start','extension') See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `pathconvert`_ pathnames convertion between POSIX and windows. + `basename`_ strip directory and suffix from filenames + `fullfile`_ builds a full filename from parts .. _pathconvert: pathconvert.html .. _basename: basename.html .. _fullpath: fullpath.html .. _fullfile: fullfile.html