**** getfont ======= dialog to select font **.Obsolete function.** Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: [fId,fSize]=getfont() [fId,fSize]=getfont(str) fnt=getfont() fnt=getfont(str) fnt=getfont(S=str,font=[fId,fSize]) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :str character (e.g. "a") : :fId integer, the number of the selected font : :fSize integer, the size of the selected font : :fnt vector [fId,fSize] : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ This function designed to work with the `xset`_ function **is also obsolete** .Use the property editor `ged`_ instead. `getfont` opens a graphic window to select a font. User has to select a font and a size clicking on the corresponding displayed character. Killing a keyboard key changes the displayed character. Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: [fId,fSize]=getfont(); `xset`_("font",fId,fSize) `plot2d`_(0,0,rect=[0 0 10 10],axesflag=0) `xstring`_(5,5,"string") See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `ged`_ Scilab Graphic Editor + `text_properties`_ description of the Text entity properties .. _ged: ged.html .. _xset: xset.html .. _text_properties: text_properties.html