hist3d ====== 3D representation of a histogram Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: hist3d(mtx,[theta,alpha,leg,flag,ebox]) hist3d(mtx,) hist3d(list(mtx,x,y),[theta,alpha,leg,flag,ebox]) hist3d(list(mtx,x,y),) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :mtx matrix of size (m,n) defining the histogram `mtx(i,j)=F(x(i),y(j))`, where `x` and `y` are taken as `0:m` and `0:n`. : :list(mtx,x,y) where mtx is a matrix of size (m,n)defining the histogram `mtx(i,j)=F(x(i),y(j))`, with `x` and `y` vectors of size (1,m+1) and (1,n+1). : : This represents a sequence of statements `key1=value1, key2=value2` ,... where `key1`, `key2,...` can be one of the following: theta, alpha,leg,flag,ebox. See `plot3d`_. : :theta,alpha,leg,flag,ebox see `plot3d`_. : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ `hist3d` represents a 2d histogram as a 3D plot. The values are associated to the intervals `[x(i) x(i+1)[ X [y(i) y(i+1)[` . Enter the command `hist3d()` to see a demo. Sample ~~~~~~ Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: hist3d(10*`rand`_(10,10)); Z = `zeros`_(100,5); A = `abs`_(`rand`_(40,5)); Z(1:40,:) = A; `scf`_(); hist3d(Z); Index = `find`_(Z==0); Z(Index) = %nan; `scf`_(); hist3d(Z); A = `abs`_(`rand`_(10,5)); Z(91:100,:) = A; `scf`_(); hist3d(Z); See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `histplot`_ plot a histogram + `plot3d`_ 3D plot of a surface .. _plot3d: plot3d.html .. _histplot: histplot.html