imrep2ss ======== state-space realization of an impulse response Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: [sl]=imrep2ss(v [,deg]) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :v vector coefficients of impulse response, `v(:,k)` is the kth sample : :deg integer (order required) : :sl `syslin` list : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ Impulse response to linear system conversion (one input). `v` must have an even number of columns. Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: s=`poly`_(0,'s'); H=[1/(s+0.5);2/(s-0.4)] //strictly proper np=20;w=`ldiv`_(H('num'),H('den'),np); rep=[w(1:np)';w(np+1:2*np)']; //The impulse response H1=`ss2tf`_(imrep2ss(rep)) z=`poly`_(0,'z'); H=(2*z^2-3.4*z+1.5)/(z^2-1.6*z+0.8) //Proper transfer function u=`zeros`_(1,20);u(1)=1; rep=`rtitr`_(H('num'),H('den'),u); //Impulse rep. // <=> rep=ldiv(H('num'),H('den'),20) w=z*imrep2ss(rep) //Realization with shifted impulse response // i.e strictly proper to proper H2=`ss2tf`_(w); See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `frep2tf`_ transfer function realization from frequency response + `arl2`_ SISO model realization by L2 transfer approximation + `time_id`_ SISO least square identification + `armax`_ armax identification + `markp2ss`_ Markov parameters to state-space + `ldiv`_ polynomial matrix long division .. _ldiv: ldiv.html .. _markp2ss: markp2ss.html .. _arl2: arl2.html .. _frep2tf: frep2tf.html .. _time_id: time_id.html .. _armax: armax.html