inv_coeff ========= build a polynomial matrix from its coefficients Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: [P]=inv_coeff(C,[,d,[name]) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :C a big matrix of the coefficients : :d a polynomial matrix degree. The optional parameter with default value `d=-1+size(C,'c')/size(C,'r')` : :name a string giving the polynomial variable name (default value `'x'`). : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ `P=inv_coeff(Mp,k)`, when `k` is compatible with `Mp` size, returns a polynomial matrix of degree `k`. `C=[C0,C1,...,Ck]` and `P= C0 + C1*x +... +Ck*x^k`. Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: A=`int`_(10*`rand`_(2,6)) // Building a degree 1 polynomial matrix P=inv_coeff(A,1) `norm`_(`coeff`_(P)-A) // Using default value for degree P1=inv_coeff(A) `norm`_(`coeff`_(P1)-A) See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `poly`_ polynomial definition + `degree`_ degree of polynomial matrix + `coeff`_ coefficients of matrix polynomial .. _degree: degree.html .. _coeff: coeff.html .. _poly: poly.html