listvarinfile ============= list of variables in a saved data file Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: listvarinfile(filename) [names,typs,dims,vols]=listvarinfile(filename) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :filename a character string, the pathname of the file to be inspected. : :nams a matrix of strings, names of the variables saved in the file. : :dims a list, dimensions of the variables saved in the file. : :typs a numeric matrix, types of the variables saved in the file. : :vols a numeric matrix, size in bytes of the variables saved in the file. : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ + This utility function lists "a la `whos`_" the variables contained in a Scilab data file produced by `save`_. Hypermatrices are reported as plain mlists; rationals and state-spaces are reported as plain tlists; graphic handles are not recognized. Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: a=`eye`_(2,2); b=`int16`_(`ones`_(a)); c=`rand`_(2,3,3); `save`_(`fullfile`_(TMPDIR,"vals.sod"),'a','b','c') [names,typs,dims,vols] = listvarinfile(`fullfile`_(TMPDIR,"vals.sod")) See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `whos`_ listing of variables in long form + `save`_ Save a variable or a serie of variables in a binary file + `load`_ Load a saved variable or a serie of variables + `save_format`_ format of files produced by "save" + `type`_ Returns the type of a variable .. _type: type.html .. _save_format: save_format.html .. _load: load.html .. _save: save.html .. _whos: whos.html