any (Matlab function) ===================== Test to determine if any nonzeros elements Matlab/Scilab equivalent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Matlab** **Scilab** :: any :: `or`_ Particular cases ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Matlab **any** function can work with complexes, what Scilab **or** can not, so a call to **abs** function can be necessary when translating from Matlab to Scilab. :Matlab expression **B=any(A)** translated into Scilab by **B=or(A)**: If **A** is a matrix, **any(A)** is equivalent to **any(A,1)** in Matlab whereas in Scilab **or(A)** is a logical OR of all elements of **A**. If **A** is a multidimensional array then Matlab treats the values along the first non-singleton dimension, but Scilab returns logical OR of all elements of **A**. : :Matlab expression **B=any(A,dim)** translated into Scilab by **B=or(A,dim)**: In Scilab **dim=1** is equivalent to **dim="r"** and **dim=2** is equivalent to **dim="c"**. In Matlab, **dim** can be greater then the number of dimension of **A** (in this case, **B=A**), in Scilab you will get an error message. : Examples ~~~~~~~~ **Matlab** **Scilab** :: y = any([1,1,0;1,0,1]) y = [1,1,1] y = any([1,1,0;1,0,1],1) y = [1,1,1] :: y = `or`_([1,1,0;1,0,1]) y = %T y = `or`_([1,1,0;1,0,1],1) y = [%T,%T,%T]