colordef (Matlab function) ========================== Set default property values to display different color schemes Matlab/Scilab equivalent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Matlab** **Scilab** :: `colordef`_ :: No equivalent Particular cases ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :[h = ]mtlb_colordef(color_option) Scilab equivalent is **fig = gcf();fig.background = -1;[h = fig];** if **color_option** is equal to "black" or "none" and **fig = gcf();fig.background = -1;[h = fig];** else. : :[h = ]mtlb_colordef(fig,color_option) Considering **fig** is a graphics handle, Scilab equivalent is **fig.background = -1;[h = fig];** if **color_option** is equal to "black" or "none" and **fig.background = -2;[h = fig];** else. : :[h = ]mtlb_colordef('new',color_option) Scilab equivalent is **fig=scf(max(winsid())+1);fig.background = -1;[h = fig];** if **color_option** is equal to "black" or "none" and **fig=scf(max(winsid())+1);fig.background = -2;[h = fig];** else. :