mesh ==== 3D mesh plot Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: mesh(Z) mesh(X,Y,Z) mesh(...,) mesh(...,,) mesh(,...) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :Z a real matrix defining the surface height. It can not be omitted. The Z data is a `m`x `n` matrix. : :X,Y two real matrices : always set together, these data defines a new standard grid. This new `X` and `Y` components of the grid must match `Z` dimensions (see description below). : :color an optional real matrix defining a color value for each `(X(j),Y(i))` point of the grid (see description below). : : This optional argument represents a sequence of couple statements `{PropertyName,PropertyValue}` that defines global objects' properties applied to all the curves created by this plot. For a complete view of the available properties (see `GlobalProperty`_). : : This optional argument forces the plot to appear inside the selected axes given by `axes_handle` rather than the current axes (see `gca`_). : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ `mesh` draws a parametric surface using a rectangular grid defined by `X` and `Y` coordinates (if `{X,Y}` are not specified, this grid is determined using the dimensions of the `Z` matrix) ; at each point of this grid, a Z coordinate is given using the `Z` matrix. `mesh` is based on the `surf` command with default option `color_mode` = white index (inside the current colormap) and `color_flag` = 0. Data entry specification : In this paragraph and to be more clear, we won't mention `GlobalProperty` optional arguments as they do not interfer with entry data (except for `"Xdata"`, `"Ydata"` and `"Zdata"` property, see `GlobalProperty`_). It is assumed that all those optional arguments could be present too. If `Z` is the only matrix specified, (Z) plots the matrix `Z` versus the grid defined by `1:size(Z,2)` along the x axis and `1:size(Z,1)` along the y axis. Remarks ~~~~~~~ To enable the tranparency mode you should set the `color_mode` option to 0. Sample ~~~~~~ Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: [X,Y]=`meshgrid`_(-1:.1:1,-1:.1:1); Z=X.^2-Y.^2; `xtitle`_('z=x2-y ^2'); mesh(X,Y,Z); See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `surf`_ 3D surface plot + `meshgrid`_ create matrices or 3-D arrays + `plot2d`_ 2D plot + `LineSpec`_ to quickly customize the lines appearance in a plot + `GlobalProperty`_ to customize the objects appearance (curves, surfaces...) in a plot or surf command. .. _GlobalProperty: GlobalProperty.html .. _surf: surf.html .. _LineSpec: LineSpec.html .. _plot2d: plot2d.html .. _meshgrid: meshgrid.html .. _gca: gca.html