milk_drop ========= Milk drop 3D function Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: z=milk_drop(x,y) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :x,y two row vectors of size n1 and n2. : :z matrix of size (n1,n2). : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ `milk_drop` is a function representing the surface of a milk drop falling down into milk. It can be used to test functions `eval3d` and `plot3d`. Sample ~~~~~~ Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: x=-2:0.1:2; y=x; z=`eval3d`_(milk_drop,x,y); `plot3d`_(x,y,z) See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `eval3d`_ values of a function on a grid + `plot3d`_ 3D plot of a surface .. _plot3d: plot3d.html .. _eval3d: eval3d.html