norm ==== matrix norm Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: [y]=norm(x [,flag]) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :x real or complex vector or matrix (full or sparse storage) : :flag string (type of norm) (default value =2) : :y norm : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ For matrices :norm(x) or `norm(x,2)` is the largest singular value of `x` ( `max(svd(x))`). : :norm(x,1) The l_1 norm `x` (the largest column sum : `max(sum(abs(x),'r'))` ). : :norm(x,'inf'),norm(x,%inf) The infinity norm of `x` (the largest row sum : `max(sum(abs(x),'c'))` ). : :norm(x,'fro') Frobenius norm i.e. `sqrt(sum(diag(x'*x)))`. : For vectors :norm(v,p) The l_p norm ( `sum(v(i)^p))^(1/p)` . : :norm(v), norm(v,2) The l_2 norm : :norm(v,'inf') `max(abs(v(i)))`. : Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: A=[1,2,3]; norm(A,1) norm(A,'inf') A=[1,2;3,4] `max`_(`svd`_(A))-norm(A) A=`sparse`_([1 0 0 33 -1]) norm(A) See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `h_norm`_ H-infinity norm + `dhnorm`_ discrete H-infinity norm + `h2norm`_ H2 norm of a continuous time proper dynamical system + `abs`_ absolute value, magnitude + `svd`_ singular value decomposition .. _h_norm: h_norm.html .. _svd: svd.html .. _dhnorm: dhnorm.html .. _h2norm: h2norm.html .. _abs: abs.html