**** plotframe ========= plot a frame with scaling and grids. **This function is obsolete.** Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: plotframe(rect,tics,[arg_opt1,arg_opt2,arg_opt3]) plotframe(rect,) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :rect vector `[xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]`. : :tics vector `[nx,mx,ny,my]` where `mx, nx` (resp. `my, ny`) are the number of x-axis (resp. y-axis) intervals and subintervals. : :arg_optX optional arguments up to three and chosen among. :flags vector `[wantgrids,findbounds]` where `wantgrids` is a boolean variable ( `%t` or `%f`) which indicates gridding. `findbounds` is a boolean variable. If `findbounds` is `%t`, the bounds given in `rect` are allowed to be slightly modified (in fact always increased) in order to have simpler graduations: then `tics(2)` and `tics(4)` are ignored. : :Captions vector of 3 strings `[title,x-leg,y-leg]` corresponding respectively to the title of the plot and the captions on the x-axis and the y-axis. Warning: the upper-case "C" is important. : :subwin a vector of size 4 defining the sub window. The sub window is specified with the parameter `subwin=[x,y,w,h]` (upper-left, width, height). The values in `subwin` are specified using proportion of the width or height of the current graphics window (see `xsetech`). : : : This represents a sequence of statements **key1=value1**, **key2=value2** ,... where **key1**, **key2**,... can be one of the following: **tics**, **flags**, **captions** ou **subwin**. These arguments have the same meaning as the ones used in the first form of the routine. : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ `plotframe` is used with 2D plotting functions `plot2d`_, `plot2d1`_,... to set a graphics frame. It must be used before `plot2d` which should be invoked with the "000" superposition mode. **This function is obsolete.** Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: x=[-0.3:0.8:27.3]'; y=`rand`_(x); rect=[`min`_(x),`min`_(y),`max`_(x),`max`_(y)]; tics=[4,10,2,5]; //4 x-intervals and 2 y-intervals plotframe(rect,tics,[%f,%f],["My plot","x","y"],[0,0,0.5,0.5]) `plot2d`_(x,y,2,"000") plotframe(rect,tics=tics,flags=[%t,%f],Captions=["My plot with grids","x","y"],subwin=[0.5,0,0.5,0.5]) `plot2d`_(x,y,3,"000") plotframe(rect,tics,[%t,%t],.. ["My plot with grids and automatic bounds","x","y"],[0,0.5,0.5,0.5]) `plot2d`_(x,y,4,"000") plotframe(rect,flags=[%f,%t],tics=tics,.. Captions=["My plot without grids but with automatic bounds ","x","y"],.. subwin=[0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5]) `plot2d`_(x,y,5,"000") See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `plot2d`_ 2D plot + `graduate`_ Pretty axis graduations + `xsetech`_ set the sub-window of a graphics window for plotting .. _plot2d1: plot2d1.html .. _plot2d: plot2d.html .. _xsetech: xsetech.html .. _graduate: graduate.html