XML Management ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + `XMLObjects`_ Describe the properties of the different XML objects + `xmlAddNs`_ Add a namespace to a XML Element + `xmlAsNumber`_ Convert the result of a XPath query into a row of numbers + `xmlAsText`_ Convert the result of a XPath query into a row of strings + `xmlDTD`_ Create a XML DTD object + `xmlDelete`_ Delete a XML document + `xmlDocument`_ Create a new XML document + `xmlDump`_ Dump a XML object + `xmlElement`_ Create a new XML element + `xmlFormat`_ Format a Scilab variable into XML + `xmlGetNsByHref`_ Get a namespace by its href + `xmlGetNsByPrefix`_ Get a namespace by prefix + `xmlGetOpenDocs`_ Get all open XML documents or all open XML Validation files. + `xmlIsValidObject`_ Test the existence of an XML object + `xmlNs`_ Create a new XML Namespace + `xmlRead`_ Read a XML stream from a local or distant file + `xmlReadStr`_ Read a XML tree from a string + `xmlRelaxNG`_ Create a XML Relax NG object + `xmlRemove`_ Remove an element or a list of elements from their parents + `xmlSchema`_ Create a XML Schema object + `xmlSetAttributes`_ Set the attributes name and value. + `xmlValidate`_ Validate a document in using a DTD, a Relax NG or a Schema. + `xmlWrite`_ Write a XML document in a file + `xmlXPath`_ Make an XPath query on a XML document .. _xmlDump: xmlDump.html .. _xmlReadStr: xmlReadStr.html .. _XMLObjects: XMLObjects.html .. _xmlDTD: xmlDTD.html .. _xmlDelete: xmlDelete.html .. _xmlGetNsByPrefix: xmlGetNsByPrefix.html .. _xmlSchema: xmlSchema.html .. _xmlWrite: xmlWrite.html .. _xmlRelaxNG: xmlRelaxNG.html .. _xmlElement: xmlElement.html .. _xmlRemove: xmlRemove.html .. _xmlValidate: xmlValidate.html .. _xmlFormat: xmlFormat.html .. _xmlRead: xmlRead.html .. _xmlDocument: xmlDocument.html .. _xmlGetOpenDocs: xmlGetOpenDocs.html .. _xmlXPath: xmlXPath.html .. _xmlAddNs: xmlAddNs.html .. _xmlNs: xmlNs.html .. _xmlGetNsByHref: xmlGetNsByHref.html .. _xmlSetAttributes: xmlSetAttributes.html .. _xmlAsNumber: xmlAsNumber.html .. _xmlAsText: xmlAsText.html .. _xmlIsValidObject: xmlIsValidObject.html