Elementary matrices ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + `diag`_ diagonal including or extracting + `eye`_ identity matrix + `ind2sub`_ linear index to matrix subscript values + `linspace`_ linearly spaced vector + `logspace`_ logarithmically spaced vector + `meshgrid`_ create matrices or 3-D arrays + `ndgrid`_ arrays for multidimensional function evaluation on grid + `ones`_ matrix made of ones + `rand`_ Random numbers + `sub2ind`_ matrix subscript values to linear index + `zeros`_ matrix made of zeros .. _ind2sub: ind2sub.html .. _ones: ones.html .. _sub2ind: sub2ind.html .. _linspace: linspace.html .. _logspace: logspace.html .. _eye: eye.html .. _meshgrid: meshgrid.html .. _zeros: zeros.html .. _diag: diag.html .. _ndgrid: ndgrid.html .. _rand: rand.html