showprofile =========== extracts and displays execution profiles of a Scilab function Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: showprofile(fun) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :fun a Scilab function : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ To use `showprofile` the Scilab function must have been prepared for profiling (see exec). For such function, When such a function is executed the systems counts how many time each line is executed and how may cpu time is spend for each line execution. These data are stored within the function data structure. The `showprofile` function outputs profiling results (see `profile`) with text of the function lines. Function text is rebuild with `fun2string`. Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: //define function and prepare it for profiling `deff`_('x=foo(n)',['if n==0 then' ' x=[]' 'else' ' x=0' ' for k=1:n' ' s=svd(rand(n+10,n+10))' ' x=x+s(1)' ' end' 'end'],'p') //call the function foo(30) //get execution profiles showprofile(foo) See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `profile`_ extract execution profiles of a Scilab function + `plotprofile`_ extracts and displays execution profiles of a Scilab function + `fun2string`_ generates ascii definition of a scilab function .. _profile: profile.html .. _plotprofile: plotprofile.html .. _fun2string: fun2string.html