stringbox ========= Compute the bounding rectangle of a text or a label. Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: rect = stringbox( string, x, y, [angle, [fontStyle, [fontSize]]] ) rect = stringbox( Handle ) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :rect a 2x4 matrix containing the 4 vertex coordinates of the bounding rectangle. : :string string matrix to be enclosed. : :x,y real scalars, coordinates of the lower left point of strings. : :angle Rotation angle of the string clockwise and in degrees around the `(x,y)` point. : :fonStyle integer specifying the type of the font. : :fontSize integer specifying the size of the font. : :Handle a graphic handle of Text or Label type. : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ `stringbox` returns the bounding rectangle vertices of a text or label object or a string which will be displayed with a certain way. the coordinates are given with the current graphic scale. the first vertex correspond to the text coordinates `(x,y)`, the lower left point without rotation, the following vertex are given clockwise in the resulting matrix. The result might not be very accurate with PostScript driver. Sample ~~~~~~ Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: // show axes axes = `gca`_() ; axes.axes_visible = 'on' ; axes.data_bounds = [ 1, 1 ; 10, 10 ] ; // display a labels for axes `xtitle`_( 'stringbox', 'X', 'Y' ) ; // get the bounding box of X label stringbox( axes.x_label ) // draw a string str = [ "Scilab", "is" , "not", "Skylab" ] ; `xstring`_( 4, 9, str ) ; //modify the text e = `gce`_() ; e.font_angle = 90 ; e.font_size = 6 ; e.font_style = 7 ; = 'on' ; // get its bounding box stringbox( e ) // or rect = stringbox( str, 4, 9, 90, 7, 6 ) // click and find if the text was hit hit = `xclick`_() ; hit = hit( 2 : 3 ) ; if hit(1) >= rect(1,1) & hit(1) <= rect(1,2) & hit(2) <= rect(2,2) & hit(2) >= rect(2,3) then `disp`_('You hit the text.') ; else `disp`_('You missed it.') end; See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `xstring`_ draw strings + `xstringl`_ compute a box which surrounds strings + `xstringb`_ draw strings into a box .. _xstring: xstring.html .. _xstringb: xstringb.html .. _xstringl: xstringl.html