sva === singular value approximation Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: [U,s,V]=sva(A,k) [U,s,V]=sva(A,tol) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :A real or complex matrix : :k integer : :tol nonnegative real number : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ Singular value approximation. `[U,S,V]=sva(A,k)` with `k` an integer >=1, returns `U,S` and `V` such that `B=U*S*V'` is the best L2 approximation of `A` with rank( `B`)= `k`. `[U,S,V]=sva(A,tol)` with `tol` a real number, returns `U,S` and `V` such that `B=U*S*V'` such that L2-norm of `A-B` is at most `tol`. Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: A=`rand`_(5,4)*`rand`_(4,5); [U,s,V]=sva(A,2); B=U*s*V'; `svd`_(A) `svd`_(B) `clean`_(`svd`_(A-B)) See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `svd`_ singular value decomposition .. _svd: svd.html