tf2des ====== transfer function to descriptor Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: S=tf2des(G) S=tf2des(G,flag) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :G linear system ( `syslin` list) with possibly polynomial `D` matrix : :flag character string `"withD"` : :S list : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ Transfer function to descriptor form: `S=list('d',A,B,C,D,E)` :: E*xdot = A*x+B*u y = C*x + D*u Note that `D=0` if the optional parameter flag= `"withD"` is not given. Otherwise a maximal rank `D` matrix is returned in the fifth entry of the list `S` Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: s=`poly`_(0,'s'); G=[1/(s-1),s;1,2/s^3]; S1=tf2des(G);`des2tf`_(S1) S2=tf2des(G,"withD");`des2tf`_(S2) See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `pol2des`_ polynomial matrix to descriptor form + `tf2ss`_ transfer to state-space + `ss2des`_ (polynomial) state-space to descriptor form + `des2tf`_ descriptor to transfer function conversion .. _ss2des: ss2des.html .. _pol2des: pol2des.html .. _tf2ss: tf2ss.html .. _des2tf: des2tf.html