tlist ===== Scilab object and typed list definition. Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: tlist(typ,a1, ) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :typ Character string or vector of character strings : :ai Any Scilab object ( `matrix, list,string...`). : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ Creates a `typed-list` with elements `ai`'s. The `typ` argument specifies the list type. Such `typed-list` allow the user to define new operations working on these object through scilab functions. The only difference between `typed-list` and `list` is the value of the type (16 instead of 15). `typ(1)` specifies the list type (character string used to define soft coded operations) if specified `typ(i)` may give the `i+1`th element formal name Standard Operations on `list` work similarly for `typed-list`: extraction : `[x,y,z...]=l(v)` where `v` is a vector of indices; `[x,y,z]=l(:)` extracts all the elements. insertion : `l(i)=a` deletion : `l(i)=null()` removes the i-th element of the `tlist l`. Note that the semantics of `l.x=null()` is undefined, but a definition can be given through the `overloading`_ mechanism. display Moreover if `typ(2:n+1)` are specified, user may point elements by their names We give below examples where tlist are used. Linear systems are represented by specific `typed-list` e.g. a linear system `[A,B,C,D]` is represented by the tlist `Sys=tlist(['lss';'A';'B';'C';'D';'X0';'dt'],A,B,C,D,x0,'c')` and this specific list may be created by the function `syslin`. Sys(2), Sys('A') or Sys.A is the state-matrix and Sys('dt') or Sys.dt is the time domain A rational matrix `H` is represented by the `typed-list` `H=rlist(Num,Den,[])` where `Num` and `Den` are two polynomial matrices and a (e.g. continuous time) linear system with transfer matrix `H` maybe created by `syslin('c',H)`. H(2), H('num') or H.num is the transfer matrix numerator Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: // tlist creation t = tlist(["listtype","field1","field2"], [], []); t.field1(1) = 10; t.field1(2) = 20; t.field2(1) = "Scilab"; t.field2(2) = "tlist"; t.field2(3) = "example"; // Fields contents display `disp`_(t.field1) `disp`_(t.field2) // Generic tlist display `disp`_(t) // Overloading display for this type of tlist function %listtype_p(mytlist) f = `fieldnames`_(mytlist); // typeof(mytlist) <=> f(1) `mprintf`_("Displaying a tlist of type: %s\n", `typeof`_(mytlist)); `mprintf`_("\n"); `mprintf`_("-- Field ''%s'' --\n", f(1)); `mprintf`_("Contents: %s\n", `sci2exp`_(mytlist(f(1)))); `mprintf`_("\n"); `mprintf`_("-- Field ''%s'' --\n", f(2)); `mprintf`_("Contents: %s\n", `sci2exp`_(mytlist(f(2)))); endfunction // Display using overloading function `disp`_(t) See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `percent`_ (%) special character + `syslin`_ linear system definition + `list`_ Scilab object and list function definition + `mlist`_ Scilab object, matrix oriented typed list definition. .. _mlist: mlist.html .. _list: list.html .. _percent: percent.html .. _syslin: syslin.html .. _overloading: overloading.html