tree_show ========= Display a tree view of a list Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: tree_show(x) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :x list or mlist or tlist to display. : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ Creates a window and displays a tree view of the given list. Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: // Simple example a=`list`_(1,2,3); tree_show(a); // Another example with mlist str=['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h']; n=`hypermat`_([2,2,2],str); v=`hypermat`_([2,2,2],1:8); Mm=`mlist`_(['V','name','value'],n,v); tree_show(Mm); // Another example with tlist Mt=`tlist`_(['V','name','value'],['a','b','c'],[1 2 3]); tree_show(Mt);