uigetdir ======== dialog for selecting a directory Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: directory = uigetdir() directory = uigetdir(start_path [,title]) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :start_path a character string which gives the initial directory used for search. By default uigetdir uses current working directory. : :title the title for the uigetdir window. : :directory is the user selected directory if user answers "Ok" or the " " string if user cancels. : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ Creates a dialog window for selecting a directory Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: uigetdir() uigetdir("SCI/modules/") uigetdir("SCI/modules/", "Choose a directory") See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `uigetfile`_ dialog window to get a file(s) name(s), path and filter index + `uiputfile`_ Open standard dialog box for selecting and saving file. .. _uiputfile: uiputfile.html .. _uigetfile: uigetfile.html