varargout ========= variable numbers of arguments in an output argument list Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ A function whose output argument list contains `varargout` must be called with more output arguments than indicated in the output argument list. The calling arguments passed form `varargout` keyword onwards are extracted out of the `varargout` list defined in the function. `varargout= function ex()` may be called with any number of output arguments. Within function `ex` output arguments may be stored in in `varargout(i)`. `[X1,...Xn,varargout]= function ex()` may also be used. In this case the `Xi` variables must be assigned in the function as well as `varargout(i)`. The actual total number of output argument is given `argn(1)`_ Remark ~~~~~~ The `varargout` variable must be created within the function and assigned to a `list`_. If varargout is the only formal output variable the list must contain at least one entry. Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: function varargout=exampl() varargout=`list`_(1,2,3,4) endfunction x=exampl() [x,y]=exampl() [x,y,z]=exampl() function [a, b, varargout]=exampl1() a='first' b='second' varargout=`list`_(1,2,3,4) endfunction exampl1() [a,b]=exampl1() [a,b,c]=exampl1() See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `function`_ opens a function definition + `varargin`_ variable numbers of arguments in an input argument list + `list`_ Scilab object and list function definition .. _list: list.html .. _argn(1): argn.html .. _varargin: varargin.html .. _function: function.html