x_choices ========= interactive Xwindow choices through toggle buttons Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: rep=x_choices(title,items) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :title vector of strings, title for the popup window. : :items a list of items `items=list(item1,...,itemn)`, where each `item` is also a list of the following type : `item=list('label',default_choice,choices)`. `default_choice` is an integer which gives the default toggle on entry and `choices` is a row vector of strings which gives the possible choices. : :rep an integer vector which gives for each item the number of the selected toggle. If user exits dialog with "cancel" button `rep` is set to `[]`. : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ Select items through toggle lists and return in `rep` the selected items Type `x_choices()` to see an example. Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: l1 = `list`_('choice 1',1,['toggle c1','toggle c2','toggle c3']); l2 = `list`_('choice 2',2,['toggle d1','toggle d2','toggle d3']); l3 = `list`_('choice 3',3,['toggle e1','toggle e2']); rep = x_choices('Toggle Menu',`list`_(l1,l2,l3));