x_mdialog ========= Dialog for interactive vector/matrix input. Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: result=x_mdialog(title,labels,default_inputs_vector) result=x_mdialog(title,labelsv,labelsh,default_input_matrix) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :title column vector of strings, dialog general comment : :labels n column vector of strings, `labels(i)` is the label of the ith required value : :default_input_vector n column vector of strings, `default_input_vector(i)` is the initial value of the ith required value : :labelsv n vector of strings, `labelsv(i)` is the label of the ith line of the required matrix : :labelsh m vector of strings, `labelsh(j)` is the label of the jth column of the required matrix : :default_input_matrix n x m matrix of strings, `default_input_matrix(i,j)` is the initial value of the (i,j) element of then required matrix : :result n x m matrix of string if returned with "Ok" button or [] if returned with "Cancel" button : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ Opens a dialog for interactive vector/matrix input. Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: txt = ['magnitude';'frequency';'phase ']; sig = x_mdialog('enter sine signal',txt,['1';'10';'0']) mag = `evstr`_(sig(1)) frq = `evstr`_(sig(2)) ph = `evstr`_(sig(3)) rep = x_mdialog(['System Simulation';'with PI regulator'],... ['P gain';'I gain '],[' ';' ']) See Also ~~~~~~~~ + `editvar`_ Scilab variable editor + `x_dialog`_ Dialog for interactive multi-lines input. + `x_choose`_ interactive window choice (modal dialog) + `messagebox`_ Open a message box. + `getvalue`_ xwindow dialog for data acquisition + `evstr`_ evaluation of expressions + `execstr`_ execute Scilab code in strings .. _execstr: execstr.html .. _x_choose: x_choose.html .. _getvalue: getvalue.html .. _editvar: editvar.html .. _x_dialog: x_dialog.html .. _messagebox: messagebox.html .. _evstr: evstr.html