xarrows ======= draw a set of arrows Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: xarrows(nx,ny,[arsize,style]) Arguments ~~~~~~~~~ :nx,ny real vectors or matrices of same size. : :arsize real scalar, size of the arrow head. The default value can be obtained by setting arsize to -1. : :style matrix or scalar. If `style` is a positive scalar it gives the color to use for all arrows. If it is a negative scalar then the current color is used. If it is a vector `style(i)` gives the color to use for arrow `i`. : Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ `xarrows` draws a set of arrows given by `nx` and `ny`. If `nx` and `ny` are vectors, the ith arrow is defined by `(nx(i),ny(i))-->(nx(i+1),ny(i+1))`. If `nx` and `ny` are matrices: :: nx=[xi_1 x1_2 ...; xf_1 xf_2 ...] ny=[yi_1 y1_2 ...; yf_1 yf_2 ...] the `k` th arrow is defined by `(xi_k,yi_k)-->(xf_k,yf_k)`. `xarrows` uses the current graphics scale which can be set by calling a high level drawing function such as `plot2d`. Sample ~~~~~~ Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: x=2*%pi*(0:9)/8; x1=[`sin`_(x); 9*`sin`_(x)]; y1=[`cos`_(x); 9*`cos`_(x)]; `plot2d`_([-10,10], [-10,10], [-1,-1], "022") `xset`_("clipgrf") xarrows(x1, y1, 1, 1:10) `xset`_("clipoff")